Stronglift 5x5 Q'

Hey Folks,

I just started the SL 5x5 program on Monday and so far it's going good.

My only big question is that I started off at 25lb plates on the bar for everything and the weight is very do-able and I can get a good 5 reps in without really killing myself.

I read that i should've done the bar first and then just wait for it to get heavier, but I figured i knew a little bit about weight training and am able to do more. Should I just reset and start over or just keep going at the pace I'm going?

Also, my gym doesn't have 2.5lb plates, only 5's so I just increased my squats by 10lbs instead of 5. Would that be dangerous in the long run for everything? or should I just buy 2 2.5 lb plates and bring it with me to the gym.



  • Jess732008
    Jess732008 Posts: 98 Member
    Hey Folks,

    I just started the SL 5x5 program on Monday and so far it's going good.

    My only big question is that I started off at 25lb plates on the bar for everything and the weight is very do-able and I can get a good 5 reps in without really killing myself.

    I read that i should've done the bar first and then just wait for it to get heavier, but I figured i knew a little bit about weight training and am able to do more. Should I just reset and start over or just keep going at the pace I'm going?

    Also, my gym doesn't have 2.5lb plates, only 5's so I just increased my squats by 10lbs instead of 5. Would that be dangerous in the long run for everything? or should I just buy 2 2.5 lb plates and bring it with me to the gym.


    I used to lift heavier on my own and I am now getting back into it and I only needed the 2.5 lbers for upper body increases. Lower body was fine with 5 lb increases.
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    Also, my gym doesn't have 2.5lb plates, only 5's so I just increased my squats by 10lbs instead of 5. Would that be dangerous in the long run for everything? or should I just buy 2 2.5 lb plates and bring it with me to the gym.

    You will definitely be able to do 10 pound increases for a little while, but not for long, especially with bench and OHP. Go buy some 2.5's and throw them in your gym bag. :)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The lower weights help to get more practice with form where it's less likely to hurt you. As long as you have good form you should be fine.

    Also before I had 2.5 plates I used to just add a 5 to one side and hold the bar slightly off-center.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    Also before I had 2.5 plates I used to just add a 5 to one side and hold the bar slightly off-center.

    wtf... no.. just no