24 Year Old Mom doing 30 Day Shred and Blogilates

HI! I've been on MFP for a while, but just recently found success. I've started the 30 Day Shred, along with the Blogilates Beginner's Workout Calendar. I also got a Fitbit Flex and since, I got it I've found a huge amount of motivation. I still have it on steps so once I reach the 10,000 I then make sure to get to 5 miles and my minimum calorie burn. Since I got the fitbit and synced it to my MFP I've lost a lb (in 5 days!).

I was hoping to find other members with like workout preferences to motivate and chat with. I'm thinking of moving on to some weight lifting and training for a 5k after I finish the 30 Day Shred. I want to build muscle and lose weight.

I'm currently at 164, but hope to be at 125 at the end.

If you have any interesting workouts you want to share with me let me know, I'm always searching for something new.


  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    I've joined a monthly group before and loved it. I have been looking for a new one, ours was shut down.
  • dpants89
    dpants89 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm on week three of the 30 day shred - however, I'm not doing it the traditional way, just using it as a way to get into exercising. Currently doing it 3 times a week, as well as walking every day. I am really unfit so need to build up slowly lol - but I am already seeing a huge difference in my overall fitness! I'm aiming to work out for an hour, 5 days a week.

    I am also getting into clean eating, and love to challenge myself and see how much I can achieve!
    I also have a fitbit which is a great motivator!

  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    It sounds like you're on the ame page as me. I'm doing two days of 30 Day Shred then one day cardio then a rest day. I use my fitbit to motivate me to walk at least 10,000 steps a day as well, even on my rest days.

    I totally understand taking it slow because you don't feel fit. I'm just glad that I'm finally starting to feel stronger and have more stamina.
  • triciaroo
    triciaroo Posts: 13
    I'm on week one of 30DS... Have done all 4 days so far this week. Trying to shift baby weight and get myself to a reasonable level of fitness! Haven't really ever exercised regularly, bar a few periods where I've been to the gym for a few months. Having a baby limits you timewise though, which is why I decided on 30DS. Have lost 1lb so far this week, but hoping to lose 2lb per week.
  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    Losing a pond in a week with a new baby to take care of is awesome. Good luck with your goal! It's taken me 16 months to really start losing weight, other than pregnancy weight.