unexpected unpleasant surprises

I had a bad fitness day today. I didn't go too far over my calorie limit but I'm really upset that I didn't get a chance or work out today, or do homework which is really important for my mental health. As soon as I got off work it seemed like important and inconvenient tasks kept rearing their ugly heads. Usually by the end of the day I'm wiped out and proud but I feel like today was a complete waste!


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I had a bad fitness day today. I didn't go too far over my calorie limit but I'm really upset that I didn't get a chance or work out today, or do homework which is really important for my mental health. As soon as I got off work it seemed like important and inconvenient tasks kept rearing their ugly heads. Usually by the end of the day I'm wiped out and proud but I feel like today was a complete waste!

    So you messed up a day and didn't get a lot done. You still probably have about 25,550 days left. Get back on track tomorrow.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I know those feels. Today was nothing but class and work, with barely time for a shower. I just got home 20 minutes ago, am doing laundry before bed, and need to be up in 6 1/2 hours for class. I *might* do my 30 day shred while I wait for the laundry, but I haven't decided yet.

    Still, no day is a waste. Burning calories isn't the only thing that makes a day worthwhile.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    I know how you feel, yesterday was a bit like that for me. But today is a new day, so forget about yesterday and start like you aim to go on today!