Hi. I need some friends. :)

Good morning, everyone! I'm Rick in Indianapolis. I know what I have to do to lose weight and be more healthy....but I have a hard time staying on track by myself.

I love bicycling, camping, and I'm an avid Geocacher. I'm also a ham radio operator, and have a house full of critters. I'd love some friends!


  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Rick!

    I do have a hard time staying on track too :) I guess that is why we are all here. You will find the community very nice and helpful.

    Stay put and we can gently encourage each other.

    What is a ham radio? I know ham yummy :tongue:
  • IndyCacher
    Hi! Ham Radio (AKA Amateur Radio) is a really fun hobby....I've been doing it for nearly 30 years. Yes, I'm old. Really old. I get to talk to people literally all over the world. I've talked to scientific stations in Antarctica, the Space Station as it flew over, and I've made friends in Europe, Africa, South America and more. I've meet SO many interesting people!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Australia here. If you get bored then add me too.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Beat me to it and added me already ;) not sure if you know already but theres a geocaching group on here, doesnt seem to be active much but could do with more people joining and posting.
  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    Hi! Ham Radio (AKA Amateur Radio) is a really fun hobby....I've been doing it for nearly 30 years. Yes, I'm old. Really old. I get to talk to people literally all over the world. I've talked to scientific stations in Antarctica, the Space Station as it flew over, and I've made friends in Europe, Africa, South America and more. I've meet SO many interesting people!

    Ahhhh 1 of those radios! I always wanted one... it looks so much fun to talk with people all over the planet.

    People don't talk to each other enough these days I say.
  • IndyCacher
    Since this is my first day here, I'm still learning my way around...how do I find the group? :)
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    Since this is my first day here, I'm still learning my way around...how do I find the group? :)

  • IndyCacher
    Thank you!
  • suejenfb
    suejenfb Posts: 54 Member
    I sent you a request I'm always up for new friends. I love the outdoors too, camping, hiking, biking etc.
  • IndyCacher
    Thanks, everyone, for the requests!