Anyone doing Blogilates?

Just wondering how many of you here know about Blogilates. I'm only on Day 8 of the Beginner's Workout Calender, but I'm already in love! I'm not following the meal plan, just eating clean and using my brain about what I'm consuming... But I'm already noticing a flexibility and strength starting to creep in! It's sad, but it's the first time I've really stuck with a regime 8 days in a row. It's apart of my daily routine after work since it doesn't take a buttload of time to complete. Though I am not that peppy, I enjoy her pep. It's good to see happy people existing in this world, lol. It's been kicking my butt, but in a good way.

But if any of you are about it, or even if you're not, lets be friends! It'd be nice to find some likeminded people. ;)


  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    I never heard of Blogilates but I am intrigued to know more about it. Good for you for sticking to it for this long! Time is the essence on losing weight that's for sure.
  • rabidgummibear
    rabidgummibear Posts: 26 Member
    I love blogilates. I just have hard time completing the calendar days sometimes due to business, but still when I stick it out for most of a month or more I always feel way stronger better, more flexible etc. It's a great workout regime especially to mix in with other activities.

    Also AWESOME on sticking it out for 8 days already! The beginners calendar goes quick and you'll feel pretty great by the time you finish it.
  • o_jayde
    o_jayde Posts: 3
    I'm doing the beginners calendar too! I'm onto day 5 and I love it :')
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    starting the beginner's calendar on monday. can't wait to see the results.
  • scuttlez
    scuttlez Posts: 51
    I'm glad to see a small following on here for it. For those of you doing it, keep it up! If you haven't tried it, check it out!! I highly recommend it. And I'm so excited for the social network launch tonight, eeeee!
  • AliM_77
    AliM_77 Posts: 11 Member
    I have downloaded the beginner's calendar but haven't started yet. maybe tonight should be the night! Am thinking I could alternate it with 30 day shred?