Other than cardio

HI, I do cardio often and am seeing results, but my question is how to amplify this and see inches removed. I know people do strength training can anyone tell me how to do it at home, without a gym and weights or is it not possible?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    You could do resistance training like body weight exercises. You are your own gym is one I've heard mentioned. Ideally, weightlifting would be the option but if that's not possible, body weight is a good thing to incorporate :) also, making sure you're getting enough protein (about 1g per pound of lean body mass) and not having a super aggressive deficit are the ways to help retain muscle as you lose, which will leave you more toned and leaner as you go.
  • motivatedkarma
    motivatedkarma Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Body weight resistance training. "You are Your Own Gym" is a good resource, as is "Convict Conditioning"
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I would try pilates. It's easy to do at home and really works for toning. Pilates and running works for me. Check out blogilates for great workouts. I especially love her lower ab workout. I have seen toning from doing those lower ab exercises three times a week plus running. Good luck!
  • NinstonBiller
    NinstonBiller Posts: 69 Member
    Thermogenics work well if combined properly with a well diet and cardio. Thermogenics work as a caffeinated boost. The downside is you have to give up soda, coffee and a lot of sugary stuff to avoid crashing and dizziness but if taken the right way they make a good difference.

    I personally use Cellucore Super HD. Like i said i diet and do cardio and SUPER HD helps to give me a boost in the mornings so i never miss coffee, it gives me a little extra push in the gym and it heats your body up causing you to sweat more while you do cardio. You can only take them for about 8 weeks then you have to detox your body for a few more weeks.

    I did my first round of SUPER HD/ Cardio/ Diet back in 2012 and i lost 50lbs+ in about 4 months.

    Just started back last week, weighing in tomorrow, But i feel great and i don't even miss caffeinated drinks.

    Drop me a friend request if you're interested in seeing the results ^_^

    Also here's a cool video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc_RBaDaAxI