Losing Weight With PCOS and Insulin Resistance

Hey guys,
I'm 20/f and had been diagnoses with PCOS and insulin resistance around 13. I've always maintained a healthy weight, but ever since I started this hormonal birth control (which I got off of, it was implanon), I haven't been able to get rid of the weight I gained from it. I went from 125 to 135 in three months. I haven't changed my diet at all, and I eat pretty healthy aside from some inevitable sweets. I feel like I should be losing weight, but I'm not! It's been so hard. I don't know what to do. Is PCOS complicating this? You can see my food diary, however I don't always do it to completion so it won't always give an accurate representation of my diet. Thanks for reading.


  • catchtheislands
    catchtheislands Posts: 25 Member
    Hey I had the same problem. You are young but it will make you start packing on LBS annually.

    I tried everything. The only thing that worked for me was a formula I had to piece together after 7 diets.

    I went to the doc and got all my bloodwork done and am supervised, ish.

    You wake up full of hormones, (insulin is a hormone) don't eat in the AM. wait until at least noon. If you can wait until 3pm even better.

    That is only tough for two days.
    Day four and five you really dont' want to eat before 3pm. weird.
    Your body starts enjoying the stretches.
    You create a window that you eat in. Mine is 6 hours. Yours can be eight, six, three whatever, try different things. I pack in all my macros in that window. The rest of the day I am fasting.

    Eat only meat (the leaner the better) and veggies. The only carbs I get are in veggies. Which end up being considerable with veggies and protein shakes but usually under 20ish. (ie no potatoes or pasta)

    Shoot for 200 grams in protein a day, don't worry you won't hit it.
    Get a low carb protein shake, combat powder by muscle pharm packs in vitamins as well. Double scoops.
    Helps get the protein goal and they add amino acids etc. Brach chain aminos grow muscle. This is good.

    Don't worry about calories, only the second and third laws of thermo dynamics apply to you, you will store everything you eat unless you fast first and likely you will keep storing fat until your body fat gets down there.
    By intermittent fasting you are depleting your muscles of glycogen all night and day so that when you do eat, your food goes right to feeding them and not to being stored. Your body learns to eat the fat under your skin for food all night and day.
    That is essentially why it is there.

    You may gain water weight before ovulation and your period. Try not to freak out but if you can up the protein on these days, you will slay it! Protein dispels water... I am talking a LOT of protein. Always have a glass of water going. I do 12 ish a day.

    Kudzu herb helps with insulin resistance. You can get it cheap from an herbalist on eBay.

    This is a great article on intermittent fasting.

    Again this does not mean that you are not eating daily. You are just not eating for stretches to force your body to dip into your fat reserves because you are INSULIN RESISTANT and store everything you eat.

    Keep track of when you no longer feel tired after meals. This means you have won.

    Exercise should just be goal oriented. Anything over the top will make your body fight the fat loss.

    Try to plank as long as you can then try to beat it.
    Try to do as many pushups as you can, then try to beat it,
    Try to do as many squats as you can, then try to beat it.
    Cardio is the devil. Walking the dog at a low 60% max heart rate for 20-30 minutes should be sufficient.

    Of course once you get your weight to healthy you can do whatever you want and use these tools to take you back down if you fall off.
    Window eating also helps if you have friends or family or a big night out.
    Change your window to fit around the event then right back on the horse the next day.

    When you hit a plateau-fast for 24 hours. This breaks it immediately. That only means that if you are at noon yesterday and your last meal was at 5pm, you will wait until 5:30 to start your window the next day.

    I use coconut oil to get my fats and on my skin as a sunscreen.
    Take measurements and put them in this website.

    I take Muscle Pharm vitamins. Armor.
    I take a full spectrum mineral
    I also take albumin to signal the fat to feed the muscle. (but its hard to find and it eggs)

    This method gives you control over food. Control over your body. An understanding of how it works and power to change the future.
    Starvation mode doesn't set in for 3 days on most people you are not going without food. But this does not apply to you, your body is already storing everything it eats and your metabolism is shot with metabolic syndrome.

    It is the only thing that worked for me.
    I would only recommend this for people who have gone to the doc and got cleared.
    It isn't dangerous per se but if you have underlying conditions, it is important to know ahead of time.
    Going without food for short periods will not kill you, diabetes will.

    If you think about the people you know who are skinny and really don't work at it.... Do they eat in a window?
    When I ran this through my head... Many of the people I knew did.

    Most skipped breakfast and had lunch and dinner and were done by 6-7pm fasting for 17 hours a day or more.
    I think about my mother, she pecked a piece of toast she never finished in the am, my grandmother was diabetic mind you, then my mother would eat a half sandwich at lunch and have dinner with us, meat and vegetables never as much as we ate.
    Window eating.
    My ex husband &(^%^%^&* didn't eat until lunch, then dinner, was done by 6:30 pm and was maybe 8% body fat.
    I could go on and on.

    Don't go out of your mind with hunger, if your body is insisting on food in the am, feed it, just change your window.
    Maybe you eat from 9am to 3pm. This can change the next day, listen to your body. But shoot to get your body past the morning window when you are full or insulin from waking.

    I get a couple of hunger pangs but they pass and I know it isn't urgent.
    Some days they do not and I know I must have my first meal at noon.
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    I would go nuts on intermittent fasting, seriously.

    What worked for me (PCOS/IR) so far (have only seriously started about seven weeks ago and lost about 15 pounds since), is cutting down carbs, while increasing protein (adjusted percentages to 40/30/40). But every body is different, especially with the messed up metabolism that comes along with this syndrome.

    Judging by the description you gave, I would try to snack more veggies instead of fruit to cut down your sugar intake.

    Do you know what your BMR is? Maybe 1200 cal are just too low for you?
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    The biggest thing that helped me regulate both the PCOS and insulin resistance was regular, vigorous exercise. After adding in exercise, I found that my blood sugar regulated so that I stayed stable even if I got up and ate candy and drank soda.
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    Try looking up some information about D-Chiro-Inositol. I have PCOS and have been taking this supplement for about 2 weeks now and have lost 3 to 4 pounds already. I haven't been hungry like I normally was and I do work out a few days a week. I have been watching the carbs and sugar (although I still have some) and eating more protein, fruits and vegetables. It has also already slowed down my irregular hair growth.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Reduce your carbs, increase protein and good fats. simple as that.