Sarcastic, witty, exhausted, and FAT.


The hardest thing in trying to lose weight has been to look into the face of my enemy. Logging food and looking at calories is like standing on the edge of hell and looking into the dark, fiery abyss of all that is evil (It's kind of like Mordor, but instead of the Ring, I throw a donut into the Cracks of Doom).

That being said, it's really been very freeing, this holding myself accountable. I have a lot of weight to lose. A LOT. Somewhere around 100 lbs, we'll call it 100 even. Because saying I lost 100 pounds will sound so much better and dramatic than saying I lose 89.5 pounds, or something like that :)

I have been quietly reading posts and blogs and they have all been pretty motivational. I am super glad to be here :)


  • I could have wrote the topic title myself!

  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    100lbs is totally doable! I'm on my way there myself...although, I started out with more than 100 to lose. :grumble:
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Welcome. .I too am sarcastic witty and fat!!! And I have a fun sense of humor.... I think you do too... Good Luck
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Sarcasm to me is like air. Read my profile CAREFULLY. :bigsmile:
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Love the references and it's so true. Being accountable is the first step.
  • bluesdivaca
    bluesdivaca Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome and wit and sarcasm are my friends! We can make it out alive :)

  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    LOL I love the title! I added you!
    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    Sarcastic, witty, fat and references LoTR? I'm sarcastic, witty and fatter; I must friend you hard immediately.
  • mich1760
    mich1760 Posts: 34
    It might seem like the donut must be thrown into the dark abyss. By journaling on MFP, you get to decide is it worth it and if so how do I incorporate eating that donot into the rest of my food/drink for the day and week. If it isn't worth it, then you have the knowledge that you made a difficult choice and give yourself credit for that. You need to make your plan work for you. Don;t let a craving overtake you. I apply an 80/20 philosophy. If I can follow my plan 80% of the time, I don't sweat the 20% I don't. I wish for you much success on your journey!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    "Sarcastic, witty, exhausted, and FAT." Sounds like my kind of pal. I am still fat. (Albeit, I'm not as fat as before. Technically, I have a normal BMI, but, believe me, I can still grab hold of quite a roll on my abdomen.) I am occasionally exhausted. (What with a husband, cats, kids, a house, and cats. Did I mention cats? Don't worry, there are only two. Is two enough to qualify me as a crazy cat lady?) I am not particularly witty. (But, you can't have everything.) I am sarcastic, but mostly in my own head. (I try to live by Thumper's rule, but sometimes it is very, very difficult, especially when reading MFP forums.)

    So, add me if the spirit moves you. And if not, move along, this is not the droid you're looking for.
  • I have to say, all of you who have replied are some of the most interesting, funny, and motivational people I have yet to meet here :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    The best kind of folks to be around are the ones that can laugh about all of this (especially at themselves). Feel free to add.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Love it. Yes, 89.5 does not sound as dramatic as 100.

    You made me smile in that post... i'd like to see more of it! Feel free to add me. Love to follow your journey to losing that extra 'person' hanging on you.
  • Carrie210
    Carrie210 Posts: 16 Member
    welcome! I don't have quite as much to lose but I hear ya on 100 sounding more dramatic :) I'm sarcastic, witty, exhausted and fat too! I'm 35 and blame my kids (LOL)
    INSPRD2LOSE Posts: 6 Member
    I could have wrote the topic title myself!


  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    LMAO @ feeding donuts to Sauron. Wonder if he prefers KK or DD. :tongue:

    Feel free to read my profile and add me if you like!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    You can do it!
  • MickyMo
    MickyMo Posts: 48 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more!! I, too, have 100 lbs to lose. It seems like so much! I'm trying to just look at 10 at a time because they say that 10 lbs is a dress size. I can't wait to get to "One-derland." (199) but I have a ways to go. I am waiting for my scale to come in to see what has gone on with me the last couple weeks. Maybe that was a good thing because I've only had my mind to focus on and that is just as important.

    One day at a time. I never understood this concept until very recently. It is so true.

  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    Accountability is one of the hardest things ever..... My struggle feels like a life time.. MFP has been such a blessing...
    You Got This... and this community can help... You will amaze yourself at the strides you will be able to take, day by day growing stronger... Cut that Hundred to 10-15 lbs. Small goals help me... Also I have started to put that blasted scale away and rely more on the measuring tape.. it is more realistic.
    I am an emotional eater as well. and for the past 2 years I was up and down a mere 5lbs that looking back on my journal I obsessed about 100 times a day... I can happily say I have only binged a time or two since I have started on this site. The support is amazing.
    I looked like a moron crying at my 16lbs lost... You are not the enemy but the negative thoughts toward yourself are!
    I sometimes have to tell my glass half full girl to get BENT! It will come!!

    Welcome! You Got This!!!!

  • Are you me? I feel like we should be best friends!