I have no clue how to eat. I have done research and such but it would be nice if someone would say it in a way I could understand. And no smart butt comments. Yea I know how to eat duh. that is why I am here. But I meant I do not know how to eat as in how much protein and such. Any Suggestions?


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    there are many ways to get started but the most easiest and smartest way is to eat what you like but find ways to modify it so its lower in calories. Aim to make small changes and keep adding in new foods or activities on a weekly basis. Brace yourself for the long haul. ITs got to be a lifestyle change so it takes many many baby steps to get there. Take this as a one day and one pound at a time thing. Give yourself lots of mini goals to work toward and achieve along the way. I found buying a weekly planner helps me out tons. Now you are referring to how many and what kind of macro nutrients you need to eat to lose weight and get healthy. These of course are carbs, fats, and protein. Try looking at, youtube (I get my info mostly from there) and iffm site (or something like that) you should work yourself up to worrying about those. WHile they are definitely important to have a certain percentage of each daily, it is my opinion that it is too overwhelming of informational overload when first getting started. I feel it is more important to be focusing on doing the best you can each day to make good choices on what you eat and do as an activity. Like I said at the beginning of my comment: make small changes on a daily and weekly basis. Have you ever watched Hungy for a change? I love the many messages they give you about eating whole foods and staying away from lab created food. I try to do that. But not always. If you look at my diary, I eat what I want to most days. I feel that if you do too much too soon, it will be too overwhelming and restricting and this could lead to "cheating" or relapsing. I suggest you start a food diary. I write in mine religiously every day and all day. it helps me out a lot. good luck. I am sure there are going to be "experts" commenting after me that can explain all about macros and how to eat, what to eat. But this is my advice. Good luck. You can do it.
  • 1donner1
    1donner1 Posts: 23 Member
    I completely agree with everything FindingAmy77 said. I have not had this kind of success, for this long, since I just quit eating in my unwise teenage years. I too, eat pretty much what I want, but much, much less. It IS the small steps and keeping up with every bite (at least when you are starting out) definitely helps stay on track. I really didn't know how bad i was eating until I started keeping track. Small steps are key. Water intake, more fruits and veggie, and exercise. Not saying it can't be done without exercise, but for me I am learning that it is a must if I want to reach my goal (I still don't like to take the time to exercise, but I do it).

    Before I found mfp, I made myself a check list...literally. I put 3 fruit servings, 5 veggie servings, vitamin, water, etc. Things that I knew I should do or eat. That helped me alot. I also had no knowledge how helpful support, such as mfp, could be. Reading other inspirational stories and watching everyone else's progress and letting everyone else cheer you on is very motivational. I always had trouble staying motivated for this long. It is definitely easier now. Maybe it's the accountability factor??

    As for what to eat, find someone that has lost a large amount of weight and has a viewable food diary on mfp. Look and see what they eat to help give you ideas. There are so many inspirational people on here.

    You can do it. Not to sound like an MFP commercial or anything, but it really clicked for me when I started on mfp. The food logging, the friends, seeing your progress, it all has really helped me so much. I started with a 50lb. goal. Today is my 45th day. It seems like it has taken me so long, but I am finally 17 lbs. down. Very proud of the 17 lb. loss, because it is one of the hardest things I have ever done (sad, but true).
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Start out just by logging what you normally eat. Then set a small goal, like increasing protein, veggies, fiber, etc. Once you are able to incorporate that change then you can set a new goal to work towards.
  • Amy1N
    Amy1N Posts: 10
    My best suggestion to you is to eat real food. Get away from food in boxes and prepared food. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, it's not real food. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store - produce, meat, dairy, fruit. Go for dried beans instead of canned ones. Cook your own food. You'll get way more nutrients, feel fuller while eating less food, and feel better in general when you know what's in your food.

    My husband and I are both on MFP. We cook all the time and are always willing to share recipes. I'm on Pinterest too (same username) and I have tons of recipes pinned that I've made.

    You can totally do this. I'd suggest not feaking out too much about it though. Eat real food, exercise, work the MFP program of logging. And get yourself some MFP friends. Some of my friends on here have become IRL friends. This community is great!
  • janeishavingtrouble
    janeishavingtrouble Posts: 10 Member
    You need to cut out things that you know are making you unhealthy. Candy, chips, fast food, know what they are.

    Figure out what you can eat to replace those needs. It will take a while because your body craves and is addicted to whatever you ate before.

    Here is a replacement example: If you really like shakes make a smoothie instead.

    2 Tablespoons lemon juice
    1 cup frozen berries
    1/4 cup yogurt (unsweetened is best but if you need sugar get it here.)
    1/3 cup ice
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/2 to 3/4 cup milk.

    Put in bullet or blender. Really satisfies that sweet need from the fruit and feels like a shake.

    Chips replacement: Kale chips. Cut up Kale in chips size pieces lightly coat with olive oil and season lightly with your favorites. Bake in oven at 350 until edges are brown (10-15 minutes) Gives that crunchy texture with great flavor and good nutritional value.