What would 1200 calories a day FOREVER do to you?

The subject is the question. I am within 5-10 pounds of my original goal( went from 178 to 134 in 3.5 months), and as such I have stopped being so extreme with my dieting/exercising and am now eating around 1200 calories a day and only exercising for 30 minutes to an hour a day with off days. I am losing weight slower but i'm fine, I don't look bad where I am, and I am not as impatient to lose the last 5-10 lbs. As I get nearer to when I am going to need to start maintaining I've started wondering what would happen if I ate at 1200 cals a day...forever. Just out of curiosity. Would I keep losing a pound or so a week...until I died. How could that happen if 1200 is supposed to give me enough nutrition? Would my metabolism drop so low that that would eventually just become my maintenance number. I am 5'7.5" 134 lbs. and my BMR is calculated at 1447( though between work and school I am active over 15 hours a day so i'm sure my TDEE is reasonably high). I was just curious about how that all works. Anyone have any knowledge for a poor gal?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    based on my understanding you would continue to lose weight until your TDEE (or maintenance) hit 1200...which would mean a very low BMR...
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    Putting someone on 1200 calories who exercises a couple days out of the week will initially make them lose weight.. but later, that weight loss will stall after a certain point. Your metabolism will adapt and eventually, it is possible that you'll maintain at 1200...

    But I wouldn't advise this, since 1200 calories is rabbit food.

    Don't be so hell-bent over the number on the scale. Try incorporating some weight-training (if you don't already) into your regimen and increasing your LBM instead. Be strong, not skinny.

    Edit: I got beat to replying lol.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Assuming we're talking about someone whose BMR is well above 1200...there's a good chance that, while you were still losing, you'd be losing LBM and not fat. If you work out, you'll hit a point where you stop progressing and can start getting hurt. Your hair can start falling out and your nails can stop growing.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Based on your profile info, you really need a better self image. For what it's worth, I think you're very pretty. Don't focus on the scale and fuel your body is my only advice. If you don't love yourself, you'll continue to beat yourself up, no matter what you look like or what you achieve.

    1200 calories forever would be a miserable existence. I can't even fathom that. You're taller than me by quite a bit, so I'd imagine you're pretty much at the end if not dipping into a low BMI. Your best bet would be heavy lifting at maintenance and go from there. Starving yourself will never solve the issue.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eventually your metabolism will adjust to 1200.. then if you eat anything heavy in sodium or go over your calories.. you will gain water weight and won't lose it.

    You wont have a body that is muscular looking (or tone or whatever)

    But hey.. do whatever
  • Jcornwa1
    Jcornwa1 Posts: 18
    I really didn't mean I was even remotely considering this. Only that, at this point in my weight loss I have started researching how to make the jump to maintenance and just wondered what the long term consequences would be. I do work out... strength, cardio, HIIT, Circuit, Core, and a lotttt of (My favorite) ...Hiking. On the days I work out if I am hungry I will eat more, but if I am not, I am not going to force myself. The same way if I was starving I wouldn't force myself NOT to eat. I listen to my body and I'm getting the results I want to there is no reason to change that. I would like to start weight training more, and that is something I am currently researching as well. I only wondered what would happen with a prolonged 1200 cal a day diet. I know the answer to what would happen with an extreme calorie deficit ( as a teenager I spent months consuming under 500 cals a day, spending around 5 hours on the treadmill a day and not eating any calories back, going on 5-10 day fasts...and i lost hair, nails, period, sanity, the whole nine yards. Of course. I also don't think I lost a pound the entire time.) I only wondered what eating at 1200, which is supposed to be "enough for adequate nutrition", would eventually do. There don't seem to be any scientific studies that I could find. Thanks for the responses though guys!( Except for the "But hey...do whatever" dude. Just a nutrition question. No need for passive aggression. ha)
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    Judging by your profile, I think you need more work on your inward image of yourself than you do the outer image. If you can't love you, how do you expect anyone else to.
    You have done an amazing job so far, put your 'skinny' glasses on and have a look.
    Self loathing is extremely self destructive, enjoy your success.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    You would weigh 120.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    In five years, assuming my heart didn't stop, if I keep up the same amount of activity, I would weigh a deathly dangerously low 77.3 lbs and have an extremely underweight BMI of 12.7 with a mere 66.2 lbs of lean mass (I currently have about 110 lbs of lean mass) -- According to this simulator http://www.niddk.nih.gov/research-funding/at-niddk/labs-branches/LBM/integrative-physiology-section/body-weight-simulator/Pages/body-weight-simulator.aspx

  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    You would weigh 120.

    How'd you come to that magical conclusion?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    You are not being so extreme with your dieting and are now eating 1200 calories a day? Curious, how much were you eating for the last 3.5 months?
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Personally, I'd starve and die. I'm tall and lanky for a woman at 5'9" and 145 lbs. I cannot think of a time when eating that little wouldn't make me look like total crap. Looking like a skeleton is NOT attractive! Sadly, there are many women on this site who eat waaaaay too little. It breaks my heart to see folks tear themselves up like this.
  • Jcornwa1
    Jcornwa1 Posts: 18
    A range. More so I was eating the 1200 just not eating back exercise calories which often kept me at around 500-700 net. Sometimes much lower. Negative even. Not on purpose! I just really didn't log exercise for a while...when I started logging I realized. Also, I don't have a negative body image. Not always in lala daisy land, but you can't take me calling myself "eww" to be a problem. I'm really not being THAT serious. The girl who said "You'd be 120" out of thin air is hilarious. That made me giggle.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Your entire profile is riddled with self hate between calling yourself a sloth and disgusting, I'm not sure how anyone could spin it any other way that you being terrible to yourself :/. What other purpose could you have for asking what would happen besides morbid curiosity about your livelihood to continue on a path to being severely underweight? That worries me, personally.

    You may be a total stranger but I do care if someone out there
    is putting themselves down a dark path, and that seems to be the direction. I'm 5'3.5" 116 lbs and maintain at 2250ish. I just can't even fathom eating 1200 calories, even at a net perspective...for what?
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I was going to ask how much (or how little) you were eating to lose 44 pounds in 3.5 months, but I see you already answered that. I say this as nicely as I possibly can - you need to be seeking help. You have an eating disorder.
  • Jcornwa1
    Jcornwa1 Posts: 18
    My other reason, would be an actual scientific question about the long term effects of a low calorie diet that is not medically considered a starvation diet. I apologize for all of those who were somehow offended by the question. I also apologize for somehow worrying people by a question though I have clearly stated using their answer for my...self destruction?...was not my intention. Also, being new to the site and not understanding I was supposed to log my work out calories was ignorant...not "because I have an eating disorder". I have no idea how this thread turned into this. What started as a quick ponder over my barbecue chicken lunch salad....has somehow turned into a "save the mental girl for her fate lurking on ProAna forums whilst eating her sugar free jello in a darkened room". It is interesting that a conversation involving maintenance plans and weight lifting could get so far out of hand. I truly am sorry to have worried faceless internet people...I must have not made myself clear or asked my question in the right way.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    It's kind of rude to be joking about eating disorders, OP. How can anyone give advice without looking into the possible motives behind why it's being asked in the first place?
  • Jcornwa1
    Jcornwa1 Posts: 18
    I didn't mean to be insensitive to anyone at all. I clearly have had a past with EDs (I have already shared my teen under-eating as an example of the horrible lesson it taught me). Perhaps that is why I am overly sensitive when others jump to that conclusion easily. I felt like I had asked a very interesting question, and was instead, told to seek medical help. That is all. I feel nowadays weight loss has become centered around SOME form of disordered eating with all participants arguing over where to draw the line between "I log every calorie i consume onto an App on my phone but I make it to a magic number every day so i'm fine" and "you need to seek help because you just logged '1 grape' into you MFP". Its an interesting topic. One that I would like to be able to discuss and comment on without looking like im something that i'm not, or worrying other people, or promoting unhealthy dieting. I did not mean to offend.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    In all honesty, the question at hand has so many variables. For your weight and height, no 1200 calories probably isn't enough. It probably isn't enough for a lot of people long term. As far as damage, it just seems to go with reason that giving your body enough fuel is probably the best option no matter what that number is. That'll vary from person to person based on a crazy amount of factors. Finding that number for whatever goal a person seeks is very hard to pinpoint. I don't think 1200 is an evil number (unless we're talking how I behave with it, I'm a very mean hangry person) but it's not something I recommend people do. I see it as, I'd rather sustain myself on more calories than less.
  • Jcornwa1
    Jcornwa1 Posts: 18
    I agree. I actually just found a very interesting/funny article about it ( a little more geared toward women than men, but still entertaining). http://sophieologie.me/2013/09/26/1200-calories/comment-page-3/

    I would be interested to see what research went into the health community deciding on that number.