Focus T25.....Have any of you done it?

I signed up for a Challenge group and will be doing the Focus T25 workout program.
I am looking for feedback from others who have done it. Pros? Cons?


  • nataliab_21
    My name is Natalia and I've been using T25 for two weeks now. I love it and i can already see some results. I bought my T25 a few months ago, and as soon as I ordered SHakology, I started my workouts. The first week was challenging because how overweight I am, when i started i weighed almost 250 lb, now I weigh 233lb. I am also doing the three day shakology cleanse.
  • jennifer87402
    jennifer87402 Posts: 57 Member
    I Love all beachbody workouts and would recommend them to anyone! I have done t25 I was plateaued when I did it but Felt so much stronger after it! The one that broke my Plateau is the 21 day fix! On week 2 I have lost 12.6 lbs and 10 inches!
    You will love T25!
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    I just started T25 this week. So far I like it a lot. When I can't keep up with Shaun T I follow the modifier and I still sweat buckets! About 250 calories for the 25 minutes. So far it seems to be working! :)
  • Libracat82
    I started on Sunday.
    My legs hurt so bad! I am eating clean and so far so good.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I finished the entire program, including Gamma and I loved it. I still love it!

    This program really got me into great cardiovascular shape and made me stronger.

    I love that it starts out slow and then builds. That being said, I got bored with Alpha before it was over, mostly because I was looking for more strength training. When I got to Beta I was more than ready to feel some weights in my hands. Gamma is awesome and focuses mainly on strength, but I find that when I do it I start to long for more cardio.

    So, I finished the program and now use the workouts to supplement my running and bike riding (I'm training for a sprint triathlon.)

    When I started T25, other than doing some Jillian Michaels workouts and walking and hiking (a whole bunch, we're talking miles and miles, here), I had never really pushed myself to workout like that. I really, truly feel that T25 changed my life.

    ***No, I'm not a BB coach, nor am I affiliated with BB in anyway. I just really loved this program!***
  • RedQueen247
    I'm so glad to hear that T25 is working for so many of you. I just ordered my DVDs and will start this Monday (Excitement)
  • ashleyrose90
    ashleyrose90 Posts: 71 Member
    I have been doing T25 for about 3 weeks. Last week I slacked off.. I only did it twice aside from two Zumba workouts.. but this week I was back at it and did week 2 over. I love it! I already feel like I'm getting stronger and better with every workout I do. Before I started I couldn't jump back in a burpee.. now I can! It's awersome and am looking forward to see results after the 3 months :)
  • graham713
    graham713 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started on Beta this week. I love it! I have seen such an improvement in my endurance! I also lift heavy so I use this as my cardio on my non lifting days.
  • erikarobles
    erikarobles Posts: 205 Member
    I am a big girl with back and neck problems, I cannot do anything that is high impact (per doctor's orders) I started T25 in January. It was one of the best things I have ever done for myself!!!!
  • kellyj0729
    kellyj0729 Posts: 44 Member
    Love T25! I finished "regular" Insanity workouts last year and have been doing T25 off and on for about 3 months. I mix it up with Jillian Michaels DVD's, going to the gym and Pilates. I have lost 17 lbs since February and give a lot of the the credit to Shaun T. Get great calorie burn with his workouts....I love the Speed 1.0 and Speed 2.0. I have not tried Shakeology due to the cost but I would love to try at some point. Good luck!!!!
  • mcnicola74
    Does anyone have the T25 workout DVDs they no longer use and are looking to sell?