Activity tracker/heart rate monitor for HIIT

I'm on the fence about whether to go the route of getting a activity tracker or a heart rate monitor.

Personally, I don't do a lot of walking or running. I work a desk job and I get bored with both. Lately, I've been doing stairs (at work) to get my heart rate up. I also enjoy doing HIIT on the elliptical and other machines. I've fairly certain that something with a heart rate monitor will be better for my exercise preferences. Would you agree? And what band and model would you recommend? Price range about $80 but that's flexible if there was something really cool out there.


  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    I use a Polar FT4 HRM, and I LOVE IT! You can get the for within your price range. Check out
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    I've found that, if you're using the machines, you can get away with just getting the sensor strap. I bought a fancypants one (replaceable battery, fabric strap) for around $60, but you can probably get away with the T31 transmitter strap (non-coded, non-replaceable battery, plastic strap) for around $40. Most pro/gym - quality exercise equipment will sync with it, so you don't need the wearable part.

    You could also get the bluetooth sensor for about $70 if you usually have your recent-generation smartphone with you. It needs Bluetooth Low-Energy or Bluetooth 4, if I'm not mistaken, but you should be able to sync it with your phone if it's capable of it. Check compatibility lists if you want to go that way.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the input!

    I'm gonna look into both of those! I do have the latest iPhone and I'm considering if i want to rely on it and carry it everytime (sometimes i walk the dog). I suppose one of those arm straps could work. And the stairs i do at work are actual stairs and I'd like to see my HR while doing that.

    Ahhh decisions. Thank again!