I just don't know where to start

I just need some help or guidance or SOMETHING I just don't know. Last year I lost 30lbs on my own which I'm really proud of. I kind of fell off the bandwagon around a year ago and stopped counting my calories etc. I gained back about 7lbs but I still have around 45lbs I'd like to lose and I'm struggling. I've been trying to count my calories and tyring to stay around 1200/day. I know sometimes I cheat etc but lately I've been super strict with myself and haven't been cheating. I've recently started walking at night time and hope to start walking further. I haven't lost ANY weight, in fact I gained 2lbs. I feel really discouraged and I just don't know what to do.

EDIT: I should add I currently weigh 195 lbs


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Maybe staying around 1200 calories is not a good choice for you?

    What calorie range does MFP recommend if you aim for a 1 pound per week loss? Perhaps you have your goal set as too aggressive. Being 'super strict' doesnt' sound like something you can maintain long term. I know I couldn't.

    Cheating is a mindset thing. Food isn't good or bad. Its nutrition and fuel. Nothing wrong with enjoying a treat here & there, but plan for it. Fit it into your daily routine. If you readjust your goals, it should give you a higher daily calorie range. Something that you won't have to feel so restricted, so you won't have to feel like you're cheating. Aim to follow that routine 6 days a week, and perhaps 1 day add an extra 500 calories in if you feel like you need it. That's the deficit for 1 day, so it would be eating at a deficit 6 days & maintenance 1 day. Sustainable, and not so strict. But healthy and something you can do for a while to reach your goals.

    Edited to add: saw your end note. At 195 pounds, perhaps even a goal of 1.5 pounds instead of 1 - but should still up your calorie intake range and be a more reasonable goal. Also weigh your foods, of course, and log everything.
  • tarynh86
    tarynh86 Posts: 9
    MFP says 1200 calories/day for 2lbs/week and 1310/day for 1.5lbs/week.

    I'm going to start weighing my food religously.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    1310 is less restrictive - and as you increase your activity you can eat more for 'exercise' calories also.

    Personally I am now 153.7 (SW 178 and GW 140) and aim for 1400-1600 calories per day. I am not a very active person, but that is a work in progress. My diary is open if you want to take a look. I eat fast food, I weigh everything possible, and I try to get more fruits & veggies every day. Also working at drinking more water - not a personal favorite but making progress.

    MFP says 1200 calories/day for 2lbs/week and 1310/day for 1.5lbs/week.

    I'm going to start weighing my food religously.
  • Just starting MFP so i can track my progress. Im already down 40 pounds in the last couple months! Still have 60 more to lose, so hopefully this will keep me on track.
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    1200 calories is too little. You need to be eating more than that. The rate of weight loss predicted by MyFitnessPal is only a rough estimate. Be as accurate as you can when measuring your food when you cook and anything else in between meals, like snacks (they'll add up). Set a higher caloric target and hit it consistently while monitoring the mirror/scale and adjust accordingly after a few weeks.
  • tarynh86
    tarynh86 Posts: 9
    Thanks guys :) it's hard not to feel discouraged and I'm really hard on myself. I probably should eat more because I have been going on nightly walks and not eating back the calories I've burned. I'm planning a trip in November and I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I think an important part of 'getting started' is setting up a plan you can stick with. The nightly walks are great - for weight loss but so much more. Heart & lung health, energy, etc. I figure if we look at this from 2 directions it makes it so much more manageable. Move more, and be more observant of food choices. We can do this!
  • tarynh86
    tarynh86 Posts: 9
    Ya I do need to move more - I work from home and seriously sit on my butt the entire day
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Take 5 minutes for yourself occasionally. Get up, stretch, walk around. Doesn't have to be a big deal. My logic is moving more is better even if its just a little here and there. Over time those 5-10 extra calories spent will add up. :)
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    How tall are you? I know you said you are at 195.

    I was pretty near you when I started here about a month ago. I listed myself as lightly active with a goal of exercising 4 days a week for 30 minutes per workout. I am 5'5 in height and MFP gave me a calorie goal of 1460.

    Overall, I think that is pretty easy to maintain, but I do feel hungry on some days yet. But I do workout almost every day; sometimes only for 10-15 minute though. And I do tend to eat back at least a portion if not all of my exercise calories.

    I am down almost 6 lbs since I started. I had a gain my first week of 1.2 lbs, but figured things out and have steadily been losing 1-2 lbs a week.

    Feel free to friend me as my diary is open to friends. I eat pretty much how I did before I started MFP, just smaller portions and I am trying to drink more water and get more fruits/veggies in my diet. However, if you do look at yesterday, my calorie intake is a tad higher as I had a night out with friends :P
  • tarynh86
    tarynh86 Posts: 9
    I'm 5'7