I'm day 3 into getting back on track again and about to eat my desk. It doesn't help that a volunteer from our office brought in homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bread, we have delicious chocolate truffles sitting in the kitchen, coffee cake and a bowl of candy. Somebody please mentally stop me from eating my arm off...oh yeah, and all the deliciousness in the office kitchen.... :frown:


  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I have to remind myself that when I need to step away from temptation. Bring some healthy snacks to munch on next time for when those awful cravings happen! You can do it. Stay strong!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I do not understand the appeal of adding chocolate chips to pumpkin baked goods. It honestly sounds disgusting to me.

    But, I know what you're going through. Today is day 1 for me, and it's rough. I really want to be eating some cookies and candies that we have (that I made), but I'm doing my best to be good and stay within my calorie goal.
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    Oh man I know it's hard.... Don't come near the kitchen!!!!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    The only way I have been able to succeed at weight loss is to allow myself to eat almost everything I want, including sweets. Otherwise I would feel even more deprived and miserable and lose my resolve.

    Just weigh the potions if possible and figure the calories and try to stay within your goal for each day. If I can't know specifically what the calorie count is I try to grossly overestimate the number, just to be safe.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I had to have my husband hide all the leftover Christmas candy and treats from me. It is so hard when it's sitting in front of you like that! Hang in there. Set a goal you can visualize and keep thinking of it when you want to eat one of the treats.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    If you are hungry, try to eat more fiber.. Lots more fruits/ veggies.. That will help hold you over.

    If you are like me and think you are hungry and just want the treats, well try a small piece and walk away. I have no will power so my best bet is steer clear of that room completely. The girls here at work put our snacks in the back room for me (they are all very very thin) and I just dont' go back there so I am not tempted.. but its easier said than done.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Diet Swiss Miss or a hot real flavorful tea helps me!
  • workoutqueen628
    Bring healthy snacks to eat when you are hungry. Carrots and celery with 2 tbsp of hummus is my favorite. Apples and peanut butter. Or just fruits and veggies plain. Also drinks lots of water. Learn to realize when you are ACTUALLY hungry. Gum also helps me a lot between meals. They make dessert gum now by Extra. Don't know how good it is but if you are craving something sweet, it may help! Best of luck to you! Sweets are really overrated. Sugar just eats at your energy. It's okay to treat yourself, but don't go overboard.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    It will be ok the first two weeks are the hardest.hang in there it gets easier.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    IT is so hard when it is there in your face. Just make sure your eating enought good clean foods to keep you full and satisfied and you should not be as tempted to reach for the junk.

    What works for me OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND! If it is not there you can't eat it .
    If your hungry or eating foods that cause sugar cravings those will usually always win. So make sure your full and satisfied with good healthy WHOLE FOODS
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    hi starving,,,,,keep a supply of 100 calorie snacks in your desk drawer. Whenever i crave chocolate i can eat those either chocolate, strawberry or lemon...they are there are almonds in cocoa...or if you want something salty try the cheese nips....there are many things out there that you can have....good luck on your journey!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    hang in there! can you try distracting yourself from your cravings? like, every time you feel like you're going to get a treat, drink some water or take a walk to the restroom and back (or upstairs and down), or something similar?
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Is it close to that time of month? I always feel like I'm starving to death right before. I try to have more protien at breakfast when it's getting close to that time.
  • bensonmomof4
    This is what I do, if I want something sweet I exercise longer to make up the calorie difference. Make me feel a little bit better about it!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    Everytime I want something I know I shouldnt or everyone else is eating something I try to eat something similiar that has alot less calories. ex when they eat ice cream I eat weight watchers or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, or I eat some popcorn. It helps because you can munch alot for not very many calories, or drink some hot tea. I hope this helps. You can do this, it will get easier
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    Choose the one treat you want the most, eat 1 portion, and then do an exercise to burn those calories off.
  • millermichellelea
    I'm day 3 into getting back on track again and about to eat my desk. It doesn't help that a volunteer from our office brought in homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bread, we have delicious chocolate truffles sitting in the kitchen, coffee cake and a bowl of candy. Somebody please mentally stop me from eating my arm off...oh yeah, and all the deliciousness in the office kitchen.... :frown:

    What I do to keep from eating them......go in the bathroom look at my butt in the mirror and suddenly I only hunger for carrots....LOL -- sad but true!:sad:
  • allthatnme
    allthatnme Posts: 18 Member
    I know I am comming back from the holidays and all I crave is sugar! I am screaming in my head avoid fudge and pie. When I see it my tummy and sugar monster scream take it now! I know if I lay off it I wont crave sugar as much as I do now. I try not to face sugar on am empty tummy right now. Keep working on staying away from the goodies. Good Luck...:bigsmile:
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I'm day 3 into getting back on track again and about to eat my desk. It doesn't help that a volunteer from our office brought in homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bread, we have delicious chocolate truffles sitting in the kitchen, coffee cake and a bowl of candy. Somebody please mentally stop me from eating my arm off...oh yeah, and all the deliciousness in the office kitchen....

    Thats too funny and I guess in truth it would probably work..........thanks for the tidbit..
  • 164fit4me
    164fit4me Posts: 9 Member
    I agree - my initial thought when I first heard of chocolate chips in pumpkin bread did not make sense - until I tried it. Sadly, it's VERY delicious, although there's not too much that chocolate doesn't go with in my opinion :smile: