decided to do squats and

i feel like i pulled muscles in the front of my thighs aghhh its to the point where my legs keep almost giving out and just to sit down or stand up is worse then labor pain i think what the heck could i have pulled?


  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    You probably didn't pull them - it is likely something called DOMS i.e. delayed onset muscle soreness. Where your squats caused small tears in the tissue, you are probably experiencing inflammation as they heal and this is experienced as pain and a little bit of swelling. The bonus is, your muscles will generally heal up a little bit stronger. A lot of people find that it goes away as they get used to exercising more and more.

    In the meantime, NSAIDs like ibuprofen can bring the inflammation down (although this may prolong the healing process by a small amount). Contrast showers (hot-cold-hot-cold), light exercise e.g. walking or even just a warm bath can help to relieve the pain, as can massage. I use tiger balm for soreness which has a bit of an external numbing effect. DOMS peaks 24-72hrs post exercise so don't worry, this won't last for long. If this DOES last longer than 3 days with no respite, see a doctor about your quadriceps.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    When you say you "decided to do squats"...
    Did you do a lot of them, or just like 3-5?
    Have you done them in the past?
    Did the pain start while doing them, hours later, or the next day?
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    thats called progress and it feels goooooooooooood
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    thats called progress and it feels goooooooooooood

  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    When you say you "decided to do squats"...
    Did you do a lot of them, or just like 3-5?
    Have you done them in the past?
    Did the pain start while doing them, hours later, or the next day?

    Oh yes! If it was a SUDDEN pain during the exercise, it is more likely to be an injury. If it simply 'burned' a bit during the exercise and the soreness arose hours afterwards (usually next-day or more), this is likely to be DOMS.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Also, try massaging the area that hurts.
    If you have a foam roller, use it. If not, you can use a can, push down on it as you roll it across the area.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    It's super normal for your legs to feel very rubbery right after and the day of doing squats and can be very sore the next day or two and then start to feel better. As someone else said, this is DOMS.

    On the other hand, if you felt a sharp pain at some point while doing them or right after and it's hard to even put weight on the muscle...not just very sore but real pain, you may have torn something. If that's the case give it plenty of time to heal. If it's DOMS, doing more squats in a couple days will probably help it feel better.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    When I first started whipping myself into shape, I did 50 squats holding two 10-lb dumbbells. It burned, but was ok. Later the same day, I did 50 squats while waiting for the microwave at work. For someone who was largely sedentary due to a mad crazy school/work schedule last semester, this was WAY overdoing it. By the next day I could barely walk, and felt like my knee caps were dislocated. I limped slowly like an old lady for about two days, iced my knees, used some biofreeze on my butt, and it eventually went away.

    If you didn't feel the pain immediately when you were doing the squats, chances are you didn't pull anything. Soreness really hurts, but give it a day or two and you'll find that next time, the squats will be easier.
  • I just went through this earlier in the week - did one of my regular workouts, felt like a boss at the end, and did it over again. Could barely lower myself to a sit for 2 days! Stretching and massage and ibuprofen did the trick. I was still a little sore the next time I worked out but felt 100% after that. Great job kicking your own butt!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Ahhh, leg days. I used to have a hard time walking pain free for at least two days:sad:
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    It really does matter when the pain occurred, where it's at, and how it feels. When I first started doing more advanced squats I did have a day after where I was in a lot of pain when standing up and I really thought something was wrong. I talked to my trainer and since it wasn't an issue in a joint he said to just give it a day and see - by the next day I was fine. He was actually really excited because it meant progress.

    Now if you had a sharp pain while doing the exercise or movement and/or it's in the joint then you should keep an eye on it for sure.
  • RageEight
    RageEight Posts: 14 Member
    More of a side note.. I'm inferring by the thread title that you're not very experienced doing squats. If that's the case, and if you haven't been coached on proper form yet, I'd highly recommend spending 10 or 15 minutes to watch some squat form videos. Nothing makes me cringe more than seeing someone doing squats (well, deadlifts, too) with poor form. I'm not saying this to scare you, doing squats is a great exercise, just be cautious about form, especially if you're not very experienced doing them.
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    the first time I did squats I couldn't sit or barely walk for 2 days, I found the humor in it and pushed on, give it a few days, each workout you'll have less pain.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If you felt a sharp pain while doing them, you might have pulled something. Otherwise, as others said, it's likely DOMS.

    If your legs really are giving out, you might've overdone it your first day of doing squats. You might consider doing fewer reps the next time you try them and gradually working your way up. How many did you do?
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    it happened during i did 50 i was trying to start the 30 day squat challange and no i had never done them before this i am very unexperianced
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    it happened during i did 50 i was trying to start the 30 day squat challange and no i had never done them before this i am very unexperianced

    50 is too many to start with if you've never done them before and aren't used to working out. Assuming the pain goes away in a couple of days (because it really does sound more like you're just sore), I would recommend starting with this instead: -- it's a lot more gradual and helps you break them up into sets. ETA: The link I gave you is also for 3 times a week instead of 3 days on 1 day off, which is much better (imo) for beginners.
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    I remember doing squats with a trainer one day in one of my daughters physique classes and the next day i couldn't even sit on the commode .It hurt to squat to pee.LOL
  • as124
    as124 Posts: 27
    When I started squats it was painful for a few days. I use more leg machines at the gym now so that I can build up better leg strength and be able to do more squats. No to minimal pain the next day. Take it slow, but keep exercising and your muscles will stop hurting after squats.
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone :) thanks for all the advice i am gonna give my legs time to heal and then try and start over and take it slower
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    Yesterday was squat day.
  • The next time you do squats don't even try using a weight, if you did use one. I started with body weight squats and got DOMS from just that, because those muscles were so undertrained. Now I can do squats like crazy with weights and I seem to go up in weight every week, and instead of DOMS I just have a dull ache (but still means it's working.)

    Just take your time and ease into it. Don't hurt yourself. :)
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    When I first started whipping myself into shape, I did 50 squats holding two 10-lb dumbbells. It burned, but was ok. Later the same day, I did 50 squats while waiting for the microwave at work. For someone who was largely sedentary due to a mad crazy school/work schedule last semester, this was WAY overdoing it. By the next day I could barely walk, and felt like my knee caps were dislocated. I limped slowly like an old lady for about two days, iced my knees, used some biofreeze on my butt, and it eventually went away.

    If you didn't feel the pain immediately when you were doing the squats, chances are you didn't pull anything. Soreness really hurts, but give it a day or two and you'll find that next time, the squats will be easier.

    My legs hurt just hearing this story
  • When I first started whipping myself into shape, I did 50 squats holding two 10-lb dumbbells. It burned, but was ok. Later the same day, I did 50 squats while waiting for the microwave at work. For someone who was largely sedentary due to a mad crazy school/work schedule last semester, this was WAY overdoing it. By the next day I could barely walk, and felt like my knee caps were dislocated. I limped slowly like an old lady for about two days, iced my knees, used some biofreeze on my butt, and it eventually went away.

    If you didn't feel the pain immediately when you were doing the squats, chances are you didn't pull anything. Soreness really hurts, but give it a day or two and you'll find that next time, the squats will be easier.

    My legs hurt just hearing this story

    Me too. Oh man. My first go-round with jump squats was awful. I had a lot of energy and I just felt like I could keep going (I totally coffee'd before my workout)...this was on my first go round AND it was after already doing an hour or so of leg day. The next day before class my legs hurt so bad I had to take an ice bath in order to get them to calm down so I could even walk to my car.
  • motivatedkarma
    motivatedkarma Posts: 67 Member
    That is how i get when i do 10 squats lol, it is awesome you could do so many. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    i feel like i pulled muscles in the front of my thighs aghhh its to the point where my legs keep almost giving out and just to sit down or stand up is worse then labor pain i think what the heck could i have pulled?
    It sounds like you overdid it just a wee bit. Try to take it slow and work your way up to a certain amount, and then increase weights (if you're using weights) from there. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

    However, if you feel like you have injured yourself, a call to your doctor might be worth it.
  • d8a99d8ad88577d1dc0d465a6913b7ea.jpg

    Yesterday was squat day.

    This made me LOL!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member

    Yesterday was squat day.