Healthy Moms Please Reach Out

My little one is seven weeks old. I was in better shape when I was pregnant! Having a hard time getting back to eating healthy and working out since he was born. I do not like looking in the mirror and not feeling good about my body, I have just had the hardest time making this a priority while taking care of him full time. I would love some motivational Mommy friends who find a way to be a great parent while being fit and eating right.


  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Bumping for you! :)

    It is hard being a new mom. Especially when they are so little and before they really have any kind of routine. Mine is almost 15 months old, and it took a while to get back into any kind of routine after she was born.

    Currently I get up at 4:30 am to workout for 30-45 minutes before getting myself ready for the day and my daughter up, dressed, and fed. I also prep food on weekends to have healthy choices available to grab during the week. I work full time but make the time for the things that are priorities for me. It's hard and some days just plain exhausting, but definitely do-able!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    You're only 7 weeks post-pregnancy! Your body is still bouncing back - trust me. :) These first few months are the most precious, so it's perfectly ok to focus on him and yourself for a while. Take him for a walk, now that the weather is getting nicer. As he gets bigger maybe you could look up Mommy and Me fitness classes or routines you can do with him at home. My daughter adored the time I spent lifting her up and down when she was little, and you'd be surprised how even a ten-pound infant can provide enough weight for a decent workout. I used to turn on music and dance around the house when it was too cold to go out.

    I'm not a clean eater or anything - I like my sweets too much! - but if you're looking for someone who's been there, feel free to add me. :) My daughter is four now!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Babies are the perfect progressive weight lifting routine. :bigsmile:
    @OP - Enjoy this time in your life. You will get your body back. Years from now, you may sometimes wish you could get your baby back. These years go so fast.
  • sunshineandprayers
    sunshineandprayers Posts: 38 Member
    This is great advice, thank you! Goal today will be burning calories while spending time with him. Will see what we can work up!
  • StaceyMayfonz
    StaceyMayfonz Posts: 36 Member
    My youngest is 20 months and I understand the want to get in shape and being worried the best thing in my opinion you can do is workout with the baby for now using him as a weight and playing so you get your workout and get to bond and as they get older teaching them to workout. My oldest is 4 and she loves to workout with mommy! My children help me workout as well as motivate me to show them how to be healthy (something my family never did).
  • sunshineandprayers
    sunshineandprayers Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for reminding me to see little one as motivation. I felt that way when I was pregnant with him. I wanted him to be as healthy as possible so I ate great and stayed active. I seemed to have lost that focus. Appreciate the support ladies!
  • Don't be hard on yourself it will take some time. I finally got to my pre baby weight after my second child (it took a year). I finally realized that I wanted my body back and I am going to do this and work hard at this. I consider this "mommy time" I tell my husband to watch the kids for 30mins so I can workout.