decided to do squats and



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    Yesterday was squat day.
  • RomulanWarbird
    The next time you do squats don't even try using a weight, if you did use one. I started with body weight squats and got DOMS from just that, because those muscles were so undertrained. Now I can do squats like crazy with weights and I seem to go up in weight every week, and instead of DOMS I just have a dull ache (but still means it's working.)

    Just take your time and ease into it. Don't hurt yourself. :)
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    When I first started whipping myself into shape, I did 50 squats holding two 10-lb dumbbells. It burned, but was ok. Later the same day, I did 50 squats while waiting for the microwave at work. For someone who was largely sedentary due to a mad crazy school/work schedule last semester, this was WAY overdoing it. By the next day I could barely walk, and felt like my knee caps were dislocated. I limped slowly like an old lady for about two days, iced my knees, used some biofreeze on my butt, and it eventually went away.

    If you didn't feel the pain immediately when you were doing the squats, chances are you didn't pull anything. Soreness really hurts, but give it a day or two and you'll find that next time, the squats will be easier.

    My legs hurt just hearing this story
  • RomulanWarbird
    When I first started whipping myself into shape, I did 50 squats holding two 10-lb dumbbells. It burned, but was ok. Later the same day, I did 50 squats while waiting for the microwave at work. For someone who was largely sedentary due to a mad crazy school/work schedule last semester, this was WAY overdoing it. By the next day I could barely walk, and felt like my knee caps were dislocated. I limped slowly like an old lady for about two days, iced my knees, used some biofreeze on my butt, and it eventually went away.

    If you didn't feel the pain immediately when you were doing the squats, chances are you didn't pull anything. Soreness really hurts, but give it a day or two and you'll find that next time, the squats will be easier.

    My legs hurt just hearing this story

    Me too. Oh man. My first go-round with jump squats was awful. I had a lot of energy and I just felt like I could keep going (I totally coffee'd before my workout)...this was on my first go round AND it was after already doing an hour or so of leg day. The next day before class my legs hurt so bad I had to take an ice bath in order to get them to calm down so I could even walk to my car.
  • motivatedkarma
    motivatedkarma Posts: 67 Member
    That is how i get when i do 10 squats lol, it is awesome you could do so many. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    i feel like i pulled muscles in the front of my thighs aghhh its to the point where my legs keep almost giving out and just to sit down or stand up is worse then labor pain i think what the heck could i have pulled?
    It sounds like you overdid it just a wee bit. Try to take it slow and work your way up to a certain amount, and then increase weights (if you're using weights) from there. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

    However, if you feel like you have injured yourself, a call to your doctor might be worth it.
  • CheshireCat008

    Yesterday was squat day.

    This made me LOL!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member

    Yesterday was squat day.