Vegetarian/Vegan Shopping List?

Going shopping on Sunday and want to get a good, thorough list of things that I should buy.

Looking for suggestions from others. Would be greatly appreciated :flowerforyou:


  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    Any other restrictions? (low carb or anything like that?)
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    My wife is vegetarian. For us, it helps to think on menu - like doing a specific ethnic food:

    Mexican meal: beans, rice, corn, cumin, cilanto, jalapenos.
    Indian: Dal (lentils), Naan bread, chickpeas, hot peppers, curry powder.
    Thai: Bean sprouts, vermicelli noodles, bottled asian sauce, peppers, carrots, etc. to julienne.
    Italian (yes!): pan-fried zuchinni or eggplant in spicy tomato sauce.

    Pick a theme, it just flows from there :)
  • kailamartin7
    kailamartin7 Posts: 1 Member
    Personally I love morning star veggie sausage and veggie burgers! A lot of fruits and vegetables are also good and I'm a huge fan of veggie pizzas (: Good luck!
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Spices (like cumin, coriander, pepper, chili powder, cayenne)
    Tofu (extra firm or firm)
    Seitan (if you can handle gluten)
    Tempeh (read the nutrition facts, all are not created equal)
    Dried beans
    Lots of various veggies
    Fresh garlic and onions
    Low fat or fat free Greek yogurt

    Check out some cookbooks. I really like The Passionate Vegetarian, but if you're doing vegan Veganomicon is awesome.
  • JillyBean456
    JillyBean456 Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, as Tycho mx says, start with the menus. Otherwise you'll end up with a fridge/cupboard full of "stuff", but nothing to actually eat!
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    like someone else mentioned, it depends on the sort of meals you want to make. i personally find it's better to have a plan before you go shopping, but i still have some basics that i always keeps stocked.

    for protein i pretty much always have canned beans (black, garbanzo, and cannellini are my favorites), peanut butter, nuts, tofu, seitan, and a handful of vegetarian meat substitutes like breakfast sausage, italian sausage links, or quorn roasts.

    other staples i tend to have around are the grains, which i use sparingly. polenta, couscous, rice, etc. there is a brand (village harvest) of frozen whole grain mixes that i love to use because they are so convenient. they make things like quinoa and farro mixes that are awesome.

    then really it's just a matter of stocking up on whatever fruits and veggies look fresh and delicious. i always keep fresh herbs on hand too (basil, cilantro, and parsley are basically -always- in my kitchen). i buy lots of broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms, and greens for salads. i pretty much always have apples around too... and at least once kind of berry sort of thing. :p
  • NYCGamerGirlx
    NYCGamerGirlx Posts: 48 Member
    This definitetly helped a lot :) Thanks guys!
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I always have a supply of beans (dried and canned), bread, PB, some fruit, oatmeal, nuts, almond milk, onions, and hummus.
    It's amazing what hummus works with, I use it as salad dressing, on carrots, instead of mayo in wraps. It's awesome.

    I also always have a backup frozen meal, right now it's the Gardein Crispy Chicken Sliders.

    I always have one substantial meal planned per week and the rest I just try and work together. it's usually some bean mix (beans on toast, mexican beans, lentil puree which works on tons of stuff, bean salad)
  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    I would suggest avoiding the processed pre packaged fake burgers and hot dogs.. They're usually 50% wheat gluten and forced protein, not to mention chemicals and fillers. You can make burgers at home with quinoa and veggies that will be healthy and whole.

    I always make sure my fridge is stocked witht he produce I'm actually going to use. Don't buy something you know you don't eat, it's just a waste! For me that means; broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato, mixed greens or spinach, bananas, apples, and other fruit and veg depending on what's in season. (In season produce is better for you, buying local is best for the planet if you have access to farmer's markets)

    Besides that, my daughter and I eat a lot of beans, canned veggies and frozen fruit, and grains like quinoa. I also like to *sparingly* buy Earth Balance butter style spread, coconut milk yogurts and ice creams, organic tofu (smoked tofu is especially yummy but definitely more expensive), almond milk, soy milk, rice.

    The most important things for me to have on hand are beans, potatoes (sweet and yellow), pasta made from quinoa, tofu, and a variety of veggies, All vegan, healthful, and my daughter loves them. You can pick up a few books as well, like the Gluten Free vegan by Susan O'Brien, and A Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition (not being mean, I have it and it's awesome)
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    beans, almonds, pistachios, apples, bananas, spinach cucumbers, red bell peppers, mushrooms red onion, avocado, organicville french dressing, almond butter, peanut butter, almond milk and gardenburgers.