The guilt of eating

So all week I've been having a tub of fruit and a greek yoghurt to last me from 9am (breakfast) to 2.15pm (lunch time) and I've naturally found myself to be absolutely starving come lunch time.
Today I just couldn't cope with it and got myself a blueberry scone at 11am. I felt I needed something ''bready'' or heavy to fill me
I felt so much guilt eating it and didn't even enjoy it.
To the point that I feel ill now :/
After logging it in my food diary today, I realised that it's not actualyl that bad coming in at 197 calories (or somewhere close to that)
My issue is the guilt of eating makes me feel really bad about myself like I'm failing.
I know a lot of people are against it on here but I'm on a 1200 calorie a day diet in order to get back into my wardrobe.
Anyone else feeling bad about eating?


  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    There's a difference between feeling guilty about eating what you need to and maintain your body and guilty about overeating and binging. You may need to eat something more substantial to fill you up. Try having a piece of toast or an English muffin with your greek yogurt, or a filling piece of fruit like a banana or apple. Then you might not feel so tempted to eat off plan.

    Most of us feel somewhat guilty when we seriously cheat -- like eat tons of dessert, pizza, burgers and fries. Some feel so guilty they get in a spiral and just keep eating like that.

    However, if you have serious guilt issues about food, you might thing about whether your focus is healthy or an ED.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Read your post as if someone else was saying it to you. Try to really think about how it sounds.

    I mean this respectfully but you are very clearly showing an unhealthy relationship with food. If left unwatched you could end up developing an eating disorder. That may be unlikely in your case, i don't know you, but it still sounds that way.

    Food is a requirement. It is not bad. If you don't eat you will slowly die.

    You tried eating a certain way for a while and you realized that it left you feeling low and drained. You found a solution when you fueled your body. So go and get one of those blueberry scones every day. Your body was hungry; there was nothing wrong with feeding it.
  • Lisa_Dubh
    Lisa_Dubh Posts: 35 Member
    I just feel bad for having something that was off my plan. I felt worse about it when I thought that there were far more calories in it than what there was.
    I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food, I've been putting on weight since the age of 13 and been up and down in weight since then
    I seem to be either eating everything for a few months and then eating sweet FA to lose it all
    That's really unhealthy and I want to do it properly this time, lose it and maintain a healthy diet.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I totally get that. I did the 1200 calories thing to lose the weight as well, I would get this overwhelming feeling that whatever I ate had to be worth using calories on. I used calories like currency and always felt so mad at myself and ripped off when food wouldn't be up to standards. Being hungry all the time makes people do crazy things!
  • robin_1130
    I get that way too with food. But i think the fact that you checked your calories and it was only 197 is awesome. I made dinner the other night and the protein portion weighted in at 160 cal per portion and i was REALLY hungry so i ate 2 portions which pushed me over my 1400 calorie goal. so i started feeling really guilty then realized i could go run for 30 minutes and burn it off. So i did. Then logged in exercise and then met my goal. Maybe when you feel l ike binging (which is ok from time to time) on junk food check calories first. Bc as long as its a portion size ( like one scone or a snack bag of doritos) and not like a dozen scones or a family bag of doritos, the calories arent that bad. And at the end of the day , no matter what fad diet is in, if Calories in are less then calories out , you will lose weight . it doesnt matter if its protein or carb or straight sugar :) good luck hope you meet all your goals, this weight management thing is so tough!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    If you'd ripped that blueberry scone from the hand of a homeless person who was about to enjoy her first food in three days, or if you'd stolen it from the bakery instead of buying it, then you'd have reason to feel guilty.

    But you didn't. So no reason for guilt.

    Even if it had been the 700-calorie monster you were afraid it was, no reason for guilt, though maybe for kicking yourself after the fact and saying next time you'll just have a bigger breakfast so you're not starving mid-morning.

    Eating is not a crime or a sin.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    your username... you're in this to be healthy.... focus on mental health as well as physical health. Feeling guilty about eating food is not good for mental health. stop viewing eating as something bad, instead view it as something necessary (and fun) to give your body the nutrition it needs. Allow yourself to enjoy eating.

    You're hungry because you're not eating enough. You gave in to that hunger because you're a member of the animal kingdom and that means 600 million years of natural selection in favour of individuals who don't starve to death when there's food around. It's how your body evolved to work. Instead of beating yourself up for giving in to your hunger, which is a totally normal, healthy thing to do, use it as a sign that you should maybe re-evaluate your eating plan, in particular with regards to the total number of calories you're eating daily. Excessive restriction is counterproductive in the long term. Don't aim for fast fat loss, aim for slow and sustainable fat loss. Aim to eat the highest number of calories you can while still steadily losing weight. That way you don't get so hungry that you feel the need to cave in... you find it a lot easier to stick to your eating plan. The fact that you're feeling more and more hungry each day strongly suggests that you're not eating enough, because this is how normal, physiologically based hunger works.

    It's extremely common for people to eat too little, then when they feel hungry all the time or overeat or binge eat, they blame themselves for lacking willpower, being weak, etc... they diagnose themselves with emotional eating issues... when really it's all just normal physiological responses to not eating enough. And feeling guilty for having normal, human (or should i say normal animal kingdom!) responses is being extremely cruel to yourself... I mean if someone did that to another person, i.e. underfed them then berated them for having normal responses to the inevitable hunger they suffered, they would be considered a very cruel person.............. so don't inflict that kind of cruelty on yourself. Re-evaluate your calorie goal and eating plan so you get enough to eat. Even if it takes a few attempts to find the ideal number of calories for you (i.e. where you get plenty to eat, don't feel constantly hungry, and still lose weight slowly but steadily) it's worth it because then you can stick to your eating plan long term without difficulty and maintain a healthy weight for life. A good place to start is to reset your MFP goal to lose just 1lb a week (or 0.5lb a week if you only have a few lbs to lose) and to log and eat back 80% of your exercise calories. yes it's slower, but the aim is long term success and permanent fat loss.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I just feel bad for having something that was off my plan. I felt worse about it when I thought that there were far more calories in it than what there was.
    I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food, I've been putting on weight since the age of 13 and been up and down in weight since then
    I seem to be either eating everything for a few months and then eating sweet FA to lose it all
    That's really unhealthy and I want to do it properly this time, lose it and maintain a healthy diet.

    Change your plan philosaphy. Instead of saying what foods you are going to eat(such as oatmeal or toast or whatever) decide instead that you are going to have a certain number of Macro/Micros each day. (Fat, Carbs, protien). Then you can eat different foods that fit into your daily goals and not feel bad about it.
    Around here this is called IIFYM. If it fits your macros.
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    your username... you're in this to be healthy.... focus on mental health as well as physical health. Feeling guilty about eating food is not good for mental health. stop viewing eating as something bad, instead view it as something necessary (and fun) to give your body the nutrition it needs. Allow yourself to enjoy eating.

    You're hungry because you're not eating enough. You gave in to that hunger because you're a member of the animal kingdom and that means 600 million years of natural selection in favour of individuals who don't starve to death when there's food around. It's how your body evolved to work. Instead of beating yourself up for giving in to your hunger, which is a totally normal, healthy thing to do, use it as a sign that you should maybe re-evaluate your eating plan, in particular with regards to the total number of calories you're eating daily. Excessive restriction is counterproductive in the long term. Don't aim for fast fat loss, aim for slow and sustainable fat loss. Aim to eat the highest number of calories you can while still steadily losing weight. That way you don't get so hungry that you feel the need to cave in... you find it a lot easier to stick to your eating plan. The fact that you're feeling more and more hungry each day strongly suggests that you're not eating enough, because this is how normal, physiologically based hunger works.

    It's extremely common for people to eat too little, then when they feel hungry all the time or overeat or binge eat, they blame themselves for lacking willpower, being weak, etc... they diagnose themselves with emotional eating issues... when really it's all just normal physiological responses to not eating enough. And feeling guilty for having normal, human (or should i say normal animal kingdom!) responses is being extremely cruel to yourself... I mean if someone did that to another person, i.e. underfed them then berated them for having normal responses to the inevitable hunger they suffered, they would be considered a very cruel person.............. so don't inflict that kind of cruelty on yourself. Re-evaluate your calorie goal and eating plan so you get enough to eat. Even if it takes a few attempts to find the ideal number of calories for you (i.e. where you get plenty to eat, don't feel constantly hungry, and still lose weight slowly but steadily) it's worth it because then you can stick to your eating plan long term without difficulty and maintain a healthy weight for life. A good place to start is to reset your MFP goal to lose just 1lb a week (or 0.5lb a week if you only have a few lbs to lose) and to log and eat back 80% of your exercise calories. yes it's slower, but the aim is long term success and permanent fat loss.

    I am quoting this for extra emphasis - I think it is excellent advice and hope you are able to find it helpful.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I totally get that. I did the 1200 calories thing to lose the weight as well, I would get this overwhelming feeling that whatever I ate had to be worth using calories on. I used calories like currency and always felt so mad at myself and ripped off when food wouldn't be up to standards. Being hungry all the time makes people do crazy things!

    i did this yesterday.. I'm trying to do a 1000 calorie diet which has been working out really well.
    like at lunch I had 2 low sodium rice cakes with turkey and swiss cheese on top with mustard
    about 200 calories and i felt ripped off that such a tasteless meal was so many calories and i was still hungry

    everyday battle I guess
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anyone else feeling bad about eating?

    I often feel bad about overeating, but not about eating. My main goal is health and I can't be healthy without food.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I totally get that. I did the 1200 calories thing to lose the weight as well, I would get this overwhelming feeling that whatever I ate had to be worth using calories on. I used calories like currency and always felt so mad at myself and ripped off when food wouldn't be up to standards. Being hungry all the time makes people do crazy things!

    i did this yesterday.. I'm trying to do a 1000 calorie diet which has been working out really well.
    like at lunch I had 2 low sodium rice cakes with turkey and swiss cheese on top with mustard
    about 200 calories and i felt ripped off that such a tasteless meal was so many calories and i was still hungry


    You felt guilty after eating a low calorie lunch of rice cakes and turkey? That's a normal low calorie lunch -- 200 calories is nothing for a meal. If I'm going to feel guilty, I'd better have eaten something that's worth the guilt, like the slice of flourless chocolate cake I had on Easter. Feeling guilty about a sandwich is like feeling guilty for kissing your husband -- guilt is about the all-out affair!
    everyday battle I guess
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member

    Nor do I feel differently about eating 200 calories of meat, bread or vegetables. Try to bring your mental focus away from constantly thinking about food. It's doing you no favors.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I totally get that. I did the 1200 calories thing to lose the weight as well, I would get this overwhelming feeling that whatever I ate had to be worth using calories on. I used calories like currency and always felt so mad at myself and ripped off when food wouldn't be up to standards. Being hungry all the time makes people do crazy things!

    i did this yesterday.. I'm trying to do a 1000 calorie diet which has been working out really well.
    like at lunch I had 2 low sodium rice cakes with turkey and swiss cheese on top with mustard
    about 200 calories and i felt ripped off that such a tasteless meal was so many calories and i was still hungry

    everyday battle I guess

    Unless you're under 4ft tall... bad idea. Really, really bad idea. Stop being in such a rush. It took time to put in on, it will (and should) take time to take it off.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Dont feel bad & dont be hard on yourself!!!

    Your given your calories from MFP and you can eat 'whatever' you want for those calories!

    You have a love hate relationship with food & think maybe its best for you too see someone about your relationship with food/mental/weight issues!

    This will help you to learn & enjoy all the yummy different foods out there... and not feel bad!!!

    Good luck x
  • Dechant63
    Dechant63 Posts: 59
    I feel awful when I eat something bad. I used to be very strict and had one cheat MEAL a week. Anytime I would eat something out of the normal i would hate myself for it. Now, I have gotten away from that feeling and I've sort of got off track. I'm trying to get back to that feeling because for me that "guilt" was good motivation to not eat poorly. I think just using the guilt as motivation is good. At least for me.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Yes. I do this all the time. Every day. Even when I eat breakfast. I should be patting myself on the back for actually eating breakfast because I KNOW it is a good for me to eat breakfast, but when I let myself, I say, welp, there goes, 150, or 250 or 300 calories.. for the day. I get it. I try to save as much as I can because I am so afraid I am going to binge at night.