Hey New and Needing advise


I joined after several failed attempts at weight loss.
I;ve been trying to loose weight for some time now. Over a year ago I joined a gym and didn't loose weight, I then tarted Insanity and put on weight even though I was watching what I was eating.
I then did a couple of JM work outs, but had to stop for a while because of commitments. After that break I tried Zumba, which had no impact and am now trying t-25 every other day (as I do have joint problems) along with increasing the amount of fruit and veg I eat and reducing the other stuff. Ofc I'm only human and have those odd days where I crave a pizza or an ice-cream but they are in the minority. Even though it's been almost a month since starting T-25, I've only noticed weight gain on the scales and my clothes are fitting the same.

I know this is the biggest moan of a post but after all these failed attempts and a couple of thyroid tests, I'm starting to become a little demoralised and could really use some advise as I am getting to the point of desperation as I hate the way I look and feel


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've mentioned trying all these workouts and trying to eat healthier but have you actually tracked your food? One can exercise all they want but if they're eating more than they're burninig, the weight is still going to remain. And there is no need to cut out the foods you crave, just eat smaller portions of them and make them fit into your daily calorie goal.

    FYI, when you start a new workout program, it's common to stall or even slight gain a bit on the scale due to water and glycogen retention which is part of the natural healing process. Basically anytime you're sore from a workout, you're retaining water.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Your diary would need to be open for people to make suggestions or you would need to be far more forthcoming with your meal plan. You can lose weight without exercise although you don't do yourself favors that way. sometimes it is a way to get started.
  • trying_to_burn

    Thanks for your message.
    For Insanity I used to keep a food diary. I did the calculation the nutrition guide offered and it was like 1,650kcals a day (something like that. I also tracked my calories when I used to go to the gym. Then I was taking 1,200 kcal. However when I did zumba classes I didn't because I was going through a very difficult time so it was literally a once a week commitment.

    Thanks for the advise on not cutting out the foods i crave.
    I'm also wondering with t-25 should i amp it up to everyday. I don't mind loosing weight slowly, i just want to start seeing some results
  • trying_to_burn
    Your diary would need to be open for people to make suggestions or you would need to be far more forthcoming with your meal plan. You can lose weight without exercise although you don't do yourself favors that way. sometimes it is a way to get started.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I just started using the site today, how do I open my food diary? (sound stupid but I'm not really tech savvy >.<)

    Also, thanks for the link karindiane, gonna read it now :)
  • HanJu
    HanJu Posts: 7
    You're probably eating more than you think you are. Whenever I stop logging and start again I'm surprised by how much I eat. You really have to mark down every single thing you put in your mouth that isn't water and be honest about your portion sizes.

    And then the hard part: staying under the calorie goal when you're being actually truthful about what you're eating and how much exercise you're getting.

    Oh! Open the food diary by clicking the "FOOD" tab on the top bar, then click "Add Food" under whatever meal you just ate.
  • trying_to_burn
    Thanks for your messages.
    O have opened my food diary. Hopefully this will help some