Fat girl started insanity!

I kinda got discouraged by some of mfpals, but they were just trying to help. So here it is. I did my fit test and day one today, and I feel great. I am so proud of myself. Yes I did have to stop, and drank 4 20oz bottles of water, but I can do it. So to all my pals out there, if you want to try it go for it. The point of exercise is to push your body to change. I cant believe that someone had the nerve to say " If you can't keep up with Shaun T, then you don't need to do it". Well I think that's a load of horse crap! Some of the people on the dvd can't keep up with Shaun T, and they probably have done it more than once. Just don't give up, and don't be discouraged by negative people on here. They are trying to help in their own way. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Luck everybody!


  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    Well - any movement is positive, no matter whether you can do what the others do. You'll be able to keep up one day, and probably be better than those naysayers. Keep the inside as beautiful as you are making your outside!
  • DanceMomCG
    DanceMomCG Posts: 47 Member
    Good Luck!

    I did part of the Insanity workout last summer and enjoyed it. No way did I keep up with Shaun T....but I did OK. All of the jumping though took it's toll on my knees and ankles so I swtiched over to simple stuff.

    In my opinion....any excercise is better than not exercising at all. Keep it up!!!
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    I was discouraged by some people on MFP saying it would be difficult for me to do Insanity and I couldn't handle it because my weight. I am about 40 days in and am loving every minute of it! I start month 2 tomorrow with the 60 minute workouts and I am looking forward to what Shaun T has in store!

    I do go at my own pace ... I normally do not keep up with his pace but I still burn a ton of calories and get a good workout!
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    I am doing insanity at the moment also and if people would pay attention shaun t tells you to do what you can do and to take breaks, drink water.......not every one is going to be able to do the whole thing exactly like he does it.....that is the point in doing it....to make yourself better.....you just stick to it and don't worry about what others have to say!:flowerforyou:
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    You go girl! Keep your chin up!
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    You tried. You finished. It hurt, but it was worth it. You'll do it again and get better at it. This is only the beginning...the learning curve. You DID IT!!! It's your Rocky moment at the top of the stairs. Everyone else can take a leap!

    Congratulations on your hard work!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    If we COULD keep up with him, we wouldn't need him. I say go for it. I've not done the whole program, bu I have done some of the workouts and they're hard and fun. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Just do your best, plus shaun t takes a bunch of breaks more than the people in the video so i don't know what the person is talking about. I did 2 rounds of insanity(4 months) and what i did to stay focused was to choose one of the people in each workout video like who i thought was the weakest and try to keep up with them or beat them. Then once i beat that person i go to the next person until i beat them and so on. So take it one move at the time if there doing sprints for 30sec try to beat the person/keep up with them at that sprint for 30 secs, then the next move and so on. It forces you to do your best and it makes it kind of fun. I hope this helps
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    If we COULD keep up with him, we wouldn't need him. I say go for it. I've not done the whole program, bu I have done some of the workouts and they're hard and fun. GOOD LUCK!!!

    EXACTLY!! I'm doing P90X. No way can I do all of the moves..not even one push up and I am in week five. The point is to keep pushing play. Who cares if you can't do it perfectly. If you could, you wouldn't need him!
  • DangerDuff
    Day 3 here stay positive and just keep moving. i cant keep up at all but i listen to what he says and push myself but maintain the form of the exercise.
  • marjen002
    marjen002 Posts: 112
    When I read your title/post I was like, "who's talking about me?" LOL

    I completely agree with you. I got discouraged at first but then realized (like you said) you don't have to keep up with Shaun T. I started slow, real SLOW, and didn't even complete a couple of the first routines. But I sweat more w/ 20 minutes of Insanity than 30 minutes of anything else.

    I'm about half way through my first go around and I have already noticed huge improvement...I finished the entire Pure Cardio exercise! Coming from ZERO exercising in about a year and having a 4 month old & 3 year old at home...if I can do it anyone can.
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    My daughter and I did the 60 day INSANITY challenge....then I (she quit due to Track season at School) started with month 1 all over again.....I completed a second round of month 1. When I began my second round of month two, I switched it up with a Bob Harper upper body strength DVD every other day. My daughter and I just started Month two AGAIN! We still cannot do every rep of every excercise! and Neither does Sean T or any other person on the DVD's. Little "fun" side note....My girl and I were estatic the FIRST time we made it through the warm-ups without taking an extra water break!!!! LOL Great workout...lotsa burn! Keep it up!
  • ywolfie
    ywolfie Posts: 76 Member
    I'm a fat girl doing the Insanity thing myself. I looked through all of the testimonial videos on their website before I bought and noticed that not one of them was fat to begin with. I thought to myself, "I'm doomed!" but bought the DVDs anyway. I'm glad that I did. I'm losing about 5lbs a week, following the meal plan, staying under 1200 calories a day and making healthy choices. The thing you have to keep in mind is that this has to be a lifestyle choice for you. Whats the point of working this hard, losing all the weight, just to gain it back within a year?

    I've decided that I exceed the weight limit of my kneecaps and don't do the jumps ( I jacked up my knee pretty good one time after doing the stance jacks). I modify the moves to accomodate my weight and my joints' limitations. I know I'll get to a point when I can do all the jumps and squat thrusts without feeling completely inadequate but until that time comes, I'm going at my own pace. The good news is, I can go a little faster now and I know you can too! We can do it! Keep pushing through!
  • ieatstickers
    ieatstickers Posts: 51 Member
    You're exactly right! And those people are clearly in more shape than we are and still have to take breaks. Shaun T is always saying if you need to take a break do it and get right back into it. Even trainers from other extreme fitness workouts mention pausing if you have to, take and moment and presume the workout.

    I was skeptical about doing insanity because I am obese, but lately I'm seeing people bigger than me doing it and pulling it off, not to mention losing weight effectively. I just started Insanity two days ago, and I'm loving it. It's brutal, but after I'm through with it I feel proud because I know I didn't waste my time working out.

    Good luck, and keep pushing through!
  • jmm2281
    jmm2281 Posts: 1
    Dont worry about what people say and how hard it is. People who say they cant do it need serious motivation. To me those are the people who say diets fail and everything else. They have no motivation to workout. I know diet is a key role, but you also need to workout. Doing a diet and taking a "magic pill" wont do the trick. I have been over weigh all my life, picked on because of being fat. When i graduated i was 285lbs and i down to 193 now. Its all turned tables.

    My friend and I start insanity a few weeks ago, we are on week 4 right now. Next week is recovery week. Its hard. Im not in shape at all (meaning Shauns T best shape of your life), neither is my friend. We paused several time to catch our breathe and what not. We are noticing now they we aren't pausing so much to do so. Diet is key. We could of probably follow it alot more but due to the fact we are college student, its a tad bit hard. We finally broke down and said we arent eating out anymore, not unhealthy because we use to eat subway but the subs have tons of carbs. We started cooking our own meals, eating more often, etc and let me tell you, your metabolism will go through the roof. Just keep pushing play and you will get results no matter what.

    If your anywhere like us, we knew it was going to be hard but accepted the challenge. We are glad we did. Our pants are loose, our shirts arent getting loose, and people are noticing. Our love handles and our chest is starting to get more defined and lift up.

    One BIG tip though DONT try to keep up with them. Break when you have to catch your breathe and what not. You have to realize the people in the video have already completed the program (more than once probably). As Tony Horton would see "just keep pausing when needed to, they will be there when your ready to press play".

    Good luck, stay positive, and you will enjoy it. We love doing it everyday. The only thing we HATE is the warm up. We much rather stretch then do the warm up, opposite what Shaun T. does. lol.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Love this topic I have always wanted to try insanity but i felt like it would be to hard cause of my weight. Think i will give it a try now I can do more things then sweatin to the oldies with richard simmons :laugh:
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    While I agree everyone should go at their own pace and not try and keep up with them, aren't the participants arranged in order of fitness? I always thought they had the weaker ones at the back and the stronger ones at the front so that you could pick someone and use them as a target. I could be wrong, of course. I do know that the guy with braids at the back does his fair share of slacking off (well, as much as you can with Shawn T in the room, anyway!).
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    I know this topic is old but y'all have just inspired me so much because i'm out of shape and i'm still going to try and do my best. Thanks y'all are awesome
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I tried insanity but my body just could not handle it. I broke my back last year and I'm just not ready for that long of a workout or that much jumping. I am now doing T25 and I love it. I do modify for my needs, but in 25 minutes I can burn 500 calories, plus I like the shorter length.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I would like to try Insanity at some point. I'm not quite ready yet, but I was thinking maybe in June I'd give it a shot. I want to build up some more stamina first. I know I will likely still need to take breaks while doing Insanity, but I want to give myself a little more prep time before starting.