mmmm..... coffee!!!!!

bynsky Posts: 15,837 Member
Now that I have your attention:

I Will Never Drink Coffee The Same Way Again. This Man Is A Genius.
5 days ago
Okay, gather around and listen up...

Brew coffee
Let coffee cool
Replace filter and coffee grounds with new filter and new coffee grounds.
Pour first batch of coffee back into the coffee maker.
Lift off

Let me tell you people something. I work nights and needed a way to stay energetic. I finally found the answer...

I just drank "double brewed coffee" and I feel like I can throw an orange at 60 percent the speed of light. Do you realize that if I had a boomerang right now I could kill god, eat his meat, and use his hide to stay warm during those long nights on the savanna? ENERGY. After drinking this special coffee I suddenly find myself triangulating coordinates and **** in my mind. I'm pretty sure if I was a floating head that I'd be able to float directly to the Bermuda triangle without stopping for directions. I have so much energy that I'm now watching half hour long sitcoms in just seconds!

You ever notice that they don't have any type of Karate for German shepherds? If dogs learned to focus their chi, just imagine how screwed we'd be? Well, I wouldn't be screwed, but you most certainly would be. Right now I could probably fight off a giant ghost flamingo made entirely from ninja stars and tasers. In fact, I'm about 85 percent certain that I could mess up a 2003 Nissan Altima, if it were to suddenly become self-aware and hostile towards me. ENERGY.

I have so much energy that I can multitask more stuff right now than your lazy *kitten* will accomplish within the next 4 months. While I type this I'm also filming a remake of "tango and cash", done with puppets. Simultaneously, I'm also updating my profile while dry humping a zebra and skiing.

And guess what? I just squeezed a New York steak with my bare hands and crushed it into individual calories! I am the ghost of Jim Varney and I will haunt you into infinity! I am the one that inspired the "blade" movies and I will triumph! I am the singularity, the way, the light, the man who can turn a normal visit to the zoo into a multiple felony getaway vacation to the andromeda galaxy and I don't take crap from anyone!!

If you want to lay around until you morph into a giant stick of butter and explode, that's your choice. But if you want so much energy that you could morph into a cybernetic plasma cheetah and beat the living *kitten* out of the power rangers then I suggest you try "double brewed coffee". ENERGY.


  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i'll take two.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Pass some over. I needz. Thx <3.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    Let's see if a large phases me....
  • Iceberg_Simpson
    Iceberg_Simpson Posts: 737 Member
    Can I please be set up on a PICC line and have it fed into my system? Please and thank you.
  • ravingnoah
    ravingnoah Posts: 24 Member
    The seven and a half extra minutes I'd have to wait...seriously jeopardizes the fate of the known world.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Can I please be set up on a PICC line and have it fed into my system? Please and thank you.

    No. snort lines of coffee grinds instead.....
  • moviestarsara
    This is fascinating.
  • soberlicious
    soberlicious Posts: 121 Member
    are you sure maab didn't write this? sounds like her <3.

    um, this man is brilliant. i wonder if it truly is amazing, as he claims.

    eta: a barista chimed in--with poor grammar--but quite possibly a better idea:
    As a "Barista" i can tell you this WONT make a good coffee...when you brew the second time with the first batch your re-heating it and causing it to burn and make nasty coffee..... Your better off putting the grinds in a jar with COLD water and let it sit overnight and then pour it through a will be a nice mellow smooth coffee X2
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    :heart: :drinker:

    coffee crush
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Now that I have your attention:

    I Will Never Drink Coffee The Same Way Again. This Man Is A Genius.
    5 days ago
    Okay, gather around and listen up...

    Brew coffee
    Let coffee cool
    Replace filter and coffee grounds with new filter and new coffee grounds.
    Pour first batch of coffee back into the coffee maker.
    Brew AGAIN
    Lift off

    Let me tell you people something. I work nights and needed a way to stay energetic. I finally found the answer...

    I just drank "double brewed coffee" and I feel like I can throw an orange at 60 percent the speed of light. Do you realize that if I had a boomerang right now I could kill god, eat his meat, and use his hide to stay warm during those long nights on the savanna? ENERGY. After drinking this special coffee I suddenly find myself triangulating coordinates and **** in my mind. I'm pretty sure if I was a floating head that I'd be able to float directly to the Bermuda triangle without stopping for directions. I have so much energy that I'm now watching half hour long sitcoms in just seconds!

    You ever notice that they don't have any type of Karate for German shepherds? If dogs learned to focus their chi, just imagine how screwed we'd be? Well, I wouldn't be screwed, but you most certainly would be. Right now I could probably fight off a giant ghost flamingo made entirely from ninja stars and tasers. In fact, I'm about 85 percent certain that I could mess up a 2003 Nissan Altima, if it were to suddenly become self-aware and hostile towards me. ENERGY.

    I have so much energy that I can multitask more stuff right now than your lazy *kitten* will accomplish within the next 4 months. While I type this I'm also filming a remake of "tango and cash", done with puppets. Simultaneously, I'm also updating my profile while dry humping a zebra and skiing.

    And guess what? I just squeezed a New York steak with my bare hands and crushed it into individual calories! I am the ghost of Jim Varney and I will haunt you into infinity! I am the one that inspired the "blade" movies and I will triumph! I am the singularity, the way, the light, the man who can turn a normal visit to the zoo into a multiple felony getaway vacation to the andromeda galaxy and I don't take crap from anyone!!

    If you want to lay around until you morph into a giant stick of butter and explode, that's your choice. But if you want so much energy that you could morph into a cybernetic plasma cheetah and beat the living *kitten* out of the power rangers then I suggest you try "double brewed coffee". ENERGY.

    IN! for the impending crash...
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    On my fourth cup and after reading this, I really feel let down! I want what she's having!
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member

    I can watch Apu all day.