Is it possible to lose a pound a day while staying healthy?

If I am eating 1,400 calories a day (Healthy foods to) but exercise a lot is it possible? I wouldn't be exercising with extreme intensity but if I devoted a large portion of my day exercising (and I will not be wasting my time I have nothing to do, I have a 4 day break) can I lose a pound a day while still being healthy?

Stats: I am female, 5"10, 190lbs


  • tern73
    tern73 Posts: 18 Member
    No. If you have a good bit to lose, then a pound per week. As you get closer, .5 lb per week. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    What's the rush?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If I am eating 1,400 calories a day (Healthy foods to) but exercise a lot is it possible? I wouldn't be exercising with extreme intensity but if I devoted a large portion of my day exercising (and I will not be wasting my time I have nothing to do, I have a 4 day break) can I lose a pound a day while still being healthy?

    Stats: I am female, 5"10, 190lbs

    You could easily do so, but it wouldn't mean much. You can shift scale weight simply by altering sodium and water intake. You should be after fat loss
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    What? No..

    You need an education on how weight loss works.

    There are roughly 3500 calories in a pound. Meaning you have to burn 3500 calories in order to lose 1 pound. Your body naturally burns calories based on your BMR. You add to that based on how active you are and how much you exercise. It is recommended that a person eat in deficit of no more than 1000 calories per day, meaning that it is theoretically possible to burn 2 pounds per week. This is not healthy for most people. At your height and weight you need to be losing between 1 and 1.5 pounds per week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Unless it's water weight, losing a pound of fat and/or lean mass puts a massive energy toll on the body and can disrupt metabolic rate. So, not so healthy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member

    unless you have 100 lbs to lose, your body can't let go of that kind of weight in any healthy fashion. don't try - you will either not succeed the way you hope, or you will lose weight but it will yo-yo back the minute you attempt maintenance.

    slow and steady - that way, you never have to take any steps backwards.

    good luck!!
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    No. 1-2 lbs per week is healthy. 5-7 lbs a week is an eating disorder, and once you eat again you'll gain it all back faster than you lost it anyways.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It's likely to lead to incredible exhaustion and be unsustainable for more than a couple of days without you collapsing I would guess.

    The human body isn't made to 'release' energy that quickly.

    So you're likely to cause problems to your body's general running as well being likely to

    You're likely to cause yourself various problems, one of which will be an incredible appetite - a protection mechanism so if this sort of things happened to people 'in the wild' they would try and restore the balance as quickly as possible.
    With easy access to food it could easily end up with you overeating.

    I'm presuming you were only intending to do it for 4 days, but even then, it's not likely to produce the results you want.
    You will easily lose a pound a day, to be fair; it'll just be dehydrating and will come back on when you are eating normally as the body stores water again.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You can absolutely lose 4 lbs in 4 days if you want without damaging your health, but it will be water weight.

    But increasing exercise will cause your body to retain water. Your best bet would be to eat low carb and exercise normally.

    You should be aware that the weight loss will likely be temporary though. You aren't going to lose much fat in just 4 days.

    If you are talking about trying to lose 1 lb per day long term, then it's unlikely you can do that. And if you could, it certainly would not be healthy.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    If you're just starting out, and you have a considerable amount to lose, you can dump four pounds of water weight in four days, but it's not going to be fat. Do something you can sustain for the rest of your life and just be sensible. Fuel your body enough, hydrate your body enough, and move your body enough. That's all it is.

    Also, and others can correct me if I'm wrong, if you plan on exercising all day long for four days, 1,400 calories a day isn't going to even begin to cover the amount of food you'll need to consume. That MAY cover one meal. Anything less than enough food for the amount of exercise you do and the amount you need to sustain your organ function will not be healthy.

    Check out these links:

    You have given no information about height, current weight, etc., but I am pretty confident that 1,400 calories isn't going to cover what you have stated as your goal for the weekend.
  • Yea, I will be honest...I don't have much of a weight loss education xD
  • sixxkitty
    sixxkitty Posts: 27
    What? No..

    You need an education on how weight loss works.

    There are roughly 3500 calories in a pound. Meaning you have to burn 3500 calories in order to lose 1 pound. Your body naturally burns calories based on your BMR. You add to that based on how active you are and how much you exercise. It is recommended that a person eat in deficit of no more than 1000 calories per day, meaning that it is theoretically possible to burn 2 pounds per week. This is not healthy for most people. At your height and weight you need to be losing between 1 and 1.5 pounds per week.

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yea, I will be honest...I don't have much of a weight loss education xD

    That's okay. Many of us were once where you are now.

    Do read the links that have been given to you above, especially the Sexypants guide. That's a great place to start.

    Your ticker suggests you have 60 pounds to lose. Is that accurate? If so, it's time to stop thinking about quick fixes and magic pills. 60 pounds is going to take a while, but it's worth it. You need to figure out how to be in this for the long haul if you want to do it right and keep the weight off once it's gone.
  • Miska_
    Miska_ Posts: 84
    You can gain and lose up to 5 pounds a day due to sodium and water retention.

    It's also more easy for someone to lose a 1lb a day if they are 300 lbs, versus needing to lose 10 lbs.

    Here's a great site to help you find your TDEE and help you with your goals if interested. It's one of my personal favorites.
  • Yea my ticker is accurate, I want to be down to 130 :glasses: definitely going to read the links. (I guess I just don't have much of a understanding on weight loss than I thought TBH :noway: )
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    A pound a day is a 3500 calorie a day deficit, more or less.

    Eating 1400 calories, that means you need to burn 4900 calories a day.

    You will burn around 2050 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle. So you'll need about 2850 calories of exercise a day to achieve your target deficit.

    At your height and weight, that's about 20 miles of running at a sustained 6.5 mph pace.

    So.... if you run 20 miles a day while eating 1400 calories a day you'll lose about a pound of body mass a week.

    You'd probably die on your second day.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    A pound a day is a 3500 calorie a day deficit, more or less.

    Eating 1400 calories, that means you need to burn 4900 calories a day.

    You will burn around 2050 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle. So you'll need about 2850 calories of exercise a day to achieve your target deficit.

    At your height and weight, that's about 20 miles of running at a sustained 6.5 mph pace.

    So.... if you run 20 miles a day while eating 1400 calories a day you'll lose about a pound of body mass a week.

    You'd probably die on your second day.

    Yeah, I was just about to say, that in order to lose a pound of actual weight (not water) every day... you'd pretty much have to run a marathon every day while only eating 1400 calories.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    If you live in England and make bad wagers you can easily lose a pound or more every day and it won't affect your health at all. At least not until your bookie has to send someone to break your legs.
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    If I am eating 1,400 calories a day (Healthy foods to) but exercise a lot is it possible? I wouldn't be exercising with extreme intensity but if I devoted a large portion of my day exercising (and I will not be wasting my time I have nothing to do, I have a 4 day break) can I lose a pound a day while still being healthy?

    Stats: I am female, 5"10, 190lbs

    To lose 1lb, you must burn 3,500 more calories than you eat and I'm sorry to say that is just not healthy.

    You may lose a lot to begin with, but majority of the time it is water weight and you will plateau. Average loss is 1-2lbs a week. Be in it for the long haul, not the moment.
  • :noway: Damn... I don't want to die :frown: