Nervous about weight training

So I've been a cardio/light body weight workout girl for forever now, and tomorrow I'm finally getting a "fitness orientation" at my local gym to learn how to use the weights/strength machines. Is it odd that I'm nervous? I'm a bit nervous about have a trainer teach me and the idea of lifting scares me a bit. And tips/successes/words of advice?


  • goldenbeautyxo
    goldenbeautyxo Posts: 23 Member
    Its ok to be nervous :) Its a new thing to you and your anxious and that's perfectly fine. My tip would be to not be shy or embarrassed about starting with a light weight. Everyone has a starting point. It's up to you to put the work in and being advancing to heavier weights. That is going to be the best part of the journey, aside from seeing the results. The moment you can move on to a heavier weight..SUCCESS!
  • JCLondonUK
    JCLondonUK Posts: 159
    I was nervous too, but it enjoyed the session so much, and found it all so fascinating, that I ended up signing up with the guy as my PT, and have been having two sessions a week with him ever since. It's so much fun! Go along, learn a lot, see all the great opportunities the equipment will give you, and then get stuck in. You'll enjoy it! :smile:
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    It's fear of the unknown. After you dive in and start doing it you will be very comfortable in this area of the gym. By the way, guys love it when girls ask them how to use this or that weight. Start out very light so that you don't hurt yourself and can learn proper technique. Watch YouTube videos on how to do it.
  • lavender101
    lavender101 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the support! It went incredibly well. The trainer had me go pretty light on everything just to get my form right (ex: 10 pounds on the bicep curls, 60 pounds on the leg press), but I can't wait to progress to harder weights. Thank you!
  • dragonfly123321
    dragonfly123321 Posts: 51 Member
    you should see if he could show you some things to do with Kettle bells like Hip thrust, squats
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Is it odd that I'm nervous?

    No - not odd at all.
    And tips/successes/words of advice?

    You have opposable thumbs. The weights do not. Thus, you win.