I am trying to lose 80lbs and I am just starting out...

acvierling Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am 22 years old and I am starting my first true weight-loss attempt of 80 lbs. I have always been within a healthy weight range until I went to college and my weight skyrocketed. I have tried weight-loss attempts before (weight watchers, jenny craig, etc.) but was never really into it. Now that graduation is a couple of months away and the job hunt is beginning, I know it is time to turn my life around. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks!



  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome!!! Logging everything really helps keep me on track with my food, every time I think about eating something I think about if it will put me over for the day. I love the challenges here, they help motivate me on the days I might not feel like doing anything. Good luck on your journey.
  • Thanks! Maybe we can be weight-loss buddies! I need some helpful friends :)
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a great place to get motivation and support.
  • i too am about 22 (1 week lol) and im about to graduate college in May!!! so i'd love to be friends to help u out on your journey back to normality! haha...welcome to MFP
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I have a similar goal, and my weight also got out of control in college after I was anorexic for several months. Since starting this journey in late May of this year, I've made some major lifestyle changes with my diet and exercise and have been successful so far, so feel free to add me :) We can keep each other motivated!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I look to this site for inspiration almost daily -- and it works for me. I, too, have about the same # of lbs to go, and just started around Thanksgiving. :) Good luck to you on this journey!
  • Welcome to MFP!!! Logging in everyday and making sure you put everything in the food journal will help you be accountable and help you keep count of your calories. Also getting a support group on here to pat you on the back even for the little accomplishments you make along your journey is always helpful, I have also found that going to the message boards under success stories and reading every ones success stories and seeing people before and after pics is so motivational and inspiring!

    Good luck if you want add me I will be a supporter to your goals :)
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I am 22 years old and I am starting my first true weight-loss attempt of 80 lbs. I have always been within a healthy weight range until I went to college and my weight skyrocketed. I have tried weight-loss attempts before (weight watchers, jenny craig, etc.) but was never really into it. Now that graduation is a couple of months away and the job hunt is beginning, I know it is time to turn my life around. Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks!


    Best advice I can give you is go to the general weight loss section of the forums, and read the 2d and 3d posts (banks and riverside)~ best tips on this site!

    Log ALL your food and exercise, drink AT LEAST eight 8 ounces of water(64), get your sleep on (7-8 hours/24 hours),find an exercise you LIKE and do it 6 days a week (start out slow~then increase as your body allows), watch your salt, fat, potassium and calorie intake~ don't beat yourself up if you fall down occasionally~ we all do!

    Good luck!
  • I have found on the week that I drank a lot of water I lost the most weight. I know it is hard to get the H2O in but it is so important. I try to drink 12-14 glasses of H2O a day. I feel better when I get my H2O in. It is a long, tough journey but we will make it. Good luck on your journey. Don't lose hope. We are here to help each other along!
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    I am new here too and I think we have similar weight loss goals! Good luck and I am sending support from CO!:happy:
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome to MFP land. You will enjoy the ride. When I joined someone suggested to accept any friend request. Its true. The friends you add will encourage and support you.
  • jimrogers
    jimrogers Posts: 23 Member
    The biggers thing that helped me is the mobile AP for my phone. It's super convienient and easy to log everything.

    You took a great first step here! Good Luck! : )

  • I'm 22 :) Sounds like we have the same goals! So let's do this!! Good Luck to you, I"m here for support if you'd like it.
  • Hi and Welcome. Definitely agree with the above posts. Log everything, drink lots of water, and exercise. It works. Good luck and add me as a friend if you like!
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