Newbie - Losing weight for IVF

Hey all I'm new to the site joined a couple of days ago, bit about me, well I have a good 3 or 4 stone to lose, me and my OH have been TTC since 2009 and I have always been overweight but recently have gained a lot more. I need to lose weight to have IVF and so this is my main motivation although obviously looking and feeling better and being healthier is a good bonus! Ive also recently gone Vegan, always been a vegetarian but for moral reasons decided to go Vegan this year and never felt better, so as well as this new diet I'm also running 3 times a week and doing some weights when I can. Be nice to meet some like minded people on here as I don't have anyone else in my life in a similar situation or even who struggles with their weight. Thanks for taking the time to read my story

much love


  • Hiya!

    I've just been accepted for 1 cycle of IVF and though I'm 7-8lb away from having a BMI of 29.9, I want to lose 28lb so I'm comfortably in the 'acceptable' zone.

    If you want someone to buddy up with then I'm here :)
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hey there, fellow vegan here! I am starting my IVF treatment on April 17th, although I am not TTC, I am donating eggs. :) Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, I have been losing for IVF too. When I went to the fertility clinic 15 months ago the doctor said that he would be happy to see us (BMI was 30.something then) but we both still smoked the odd cigarette. We have been smoke free for 15 months now but my weight went up a bit during this time. I am now back down to what I was and we have our referral appt this coming Wednesday. I am so incredibly nervous as I will be so embarrassed if they won't see us due to my weight. BMI is currently at 30.01. Well, it's at this first thing in the morning but our appt isn't until the afternoon so nothing but water will be passing my lips on that day! I am also due on the day before so I am hoping against hope that I don't get as bloated as normal!!

    I'm really pleased that they have accepted you Sammy! I am only 1.5lbs away from being 29.9 so that has given me hope that they will accept us too.

    Wishing all of you ladies luck on your IVF journey. Feel free to add me if you wish. X :smile:
  • Hi Ladies! Glad to see a few of you who have similar ambitions! My husband and I have been TTC for over two years. We have tried to avoid IVF, but it is now evident that it will be our only real shot at biological children. My doctor also asked me to lose weight before cycling. I have 28 lbs to go before I am at the goal the RE set for me. I would love to be ready to cycle late summer/early fall.

    I am using Beachbody's 21 Day Fix, so I don't use fitnesspal to count calories, but I do use it to record my progress. Feel free to add me and I look forward to hearing about your IVF experiences being that this will be all new to me. No amount of Dr. Google can really prepare you for IVF. haha.

    Good luck and baby dust to all!
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    FWIW I'm an IVF baby! Good luck to all of you! And your babies will feel extra loved because they know that their parents wanted them more than anyone else's parents! hahah
  • Jziller
    Jziller Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Ladies, My hubby and I have been trying for 3 years now. Sadly IVF is not covered by insurance here and we don't have the amount needed to for it. I hope losing weight will lead us to a bun in the oven. After all the test were said and done there is no known medical reason as to why we can't get pregnant so weight loss and eating healthier is worth a shot. Unexplained infertility is so annoying