Sugar, salt and fat... Oh my!

I do not know if how many other people are watching these three enemies in their diet. All three are important to have in your diet just so long as you do not have excessive amounts in your diet. While there is good and bad fats, are there equally good and bad sugars as well?

The reason I ask is because since I have started my food journal, I have exceeded my sugar daily limit every day since I started. Sometimes by 5 or 10g and then some days by 40 or 50g. However, I have watched everything I have eaten and I have not had any high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup in any of my meals. Most of my daily sugar has been either natural fructose from fruits or lactose. Once in a while I will have some sucrose but the majority of that is coming from my Meta-mucil.

The obvious health factor to watch is blood sugar and possible diabetes. However, as I continue to lose weight, are those factors going to matter if I get down to a healthy weight? I am curious to know what other people know and feel about this. Thank you.


  • Cocotrendy
    Cocotrendy Posts: 20 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I have just joined the journey of really journaling about everything that I eat and I am truly amazed about how much sodium is included with everything. It's hard to find low sodium options.