Generally, I eat very well. I rarely go over my intake calories (it usually says that I am UNDER calories but its usually by about 10-20 cals), BUT, I binge ALL the time and I can't stand it! It is hindering my weight loss terribly as well as my journey to all around health!

I drink water before and during my meals, I get full, but sometimes theres just this undying need to grab those 4/5 extra pieces of chocolate. I don't eat my feelings, except boredom perhaps? I usually binge at the same times when I do and lately its been at night. There is tons of chocolate in my house and I just eat until I'm sick of it. I need to get over this. I have to. But I don't know how..


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Get the chocolate out of your house. If it's not there, you can't eat it - or you have to go out of your way to do so. Put a note up on your cupboard/fridge/pantry (wherever most of your snack foods are) that asks you if you're REALLY hungry. Force yourself to ask this question and answer honestly. If you're not, don't eat. If you are, allow yourself a small, HEALTHY snack. Keep plenty of healthy, pre-portioned (or easy to portion) snacks on hand: mini-popcorn bags, cut-up veggies, fresh fruit, slices/sticks of cheese, peanut butter to go with veggies/fruit or healthier crackers, almonds that are pre-measured (I portion mine into 100 calorie baggies), etc. You get the picture. Include the occasional "treat" - sugar-free jello, a cookie, small piece of dark chocolate, etc.

    PLAN your food diary ahead of time (including snacks and "treats")- some people do it a week at a time, others the night before or in the morning for the whole day. Then, once or twice a day, get on to adjust for things you might have changed (added some mayo, didn't eat all your popcorn, etc.) Stick to what you plan - if it's not on there, don't eat it!

    It's not easy - it takes will power, but if you do this and make it habit to eat in a more controlled way, it will become much less of a struggle.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    yep, toss it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    You are not alone. Look at this forum and the United States in general.

    I'm struggling with this too, and there is help! Keep reading, keep learning.

    ...and: what accountant_boi says! :wink:
  • Stephoebe
    I have been suffering with the same. It is getting truly ridulous. I manage to stop for a day sometimes but it only comes back harder and hungrier the next time. I am writing this at the computer now with a horrible sick feeling in my gut as I have just binged on over 3000 calories of mainly chocolate and cookies ontop of my food plan today. I feel sick. I feel sick everyday that I binge, which really is everyday. My body is convinced that I will starve if I stop eating. I am considering getting properly diagnosed. I thought becoming more aware of the situation, like writing about it and talking to other compulsive over eaters would help me stop binging but it is getting worse. I am sick and tired. I have become pale and spotty and fat again. I had it under control, I feel like I am losing control of everything. I know I am not the only person to suffer like this. I wish you all the luck in confronting and sorting your binging.
  • OneDayy
    I'll definitely be trying those tips! Thank you accountant_boi (: They all make sense, especially the planning out and prepackaging of foods. If I put in the extra effort before hand, I am very unlikely to let it go to waste (the pre planning and packaging and such). AND, it is true, I do lack control..especially in my eating. I'm super anxious to try out these tips!

    & very true, I can't eat what isn't there!

    cmriverside: Exactly.. we are taught from the beginning wrong portion sizes, and how to have unhealthy relationships with food :/

    Stephoebe: You sound so much like me! & it truly is a tough journey, and I'm glad to be able to have people with the same issues to speak about it! Getting this diagnosed sounds like a good idea, I've actually been thinking about it as well.. plus, I just need to go back to therapy in general. I promise, it WILL get better, and you'll have control soon - it just takes lots of work! (I guess I should listen to my own advice too!) The fact that you had the will power to get on this road in the first place is a HUGE step.. don't let it go to waste!

    I wish you all the best of luck on your roads to sucess! Thanks again for the input and tips <333 xoxo
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    In the Support and Motivation section here is a thread called Support For Binge Eating Disorder. Come on over....:flowerforyou:
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    do you live with anyone? store the chocolate somewhere where the other person will clearly notice if you've eaten. I'm always too guilty to go get food at night, since my bedroom is now right next to my mom's and she'd hear me go down.