I finally tackled the elliptical!

I have been working out with my trainer for almost 2 weeks now, mostly cardio (treadmill, bike), but I hadn't yet had the strength to try the elliptical, or the courage....you see...about a year ago, the elliptical was calling my name so I got on and started to do my thing...then after about 5 mins we got into a fight, and well...the elliptical won! I was so out of breath, my legs burned like crazy! So today I decided, what the heck, my trainer knows CPR. I will try and kick its butt! And I did!!!!! I did 20 mins straight, no burning, no shortness of breath. And Kesha's song "we are who we are" was on so it kept me going. It feels so good to be back in the gym and losing weight. I feel amazing!


  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    I love the elliptical too! Lady GaGa/Beyonce "Telephone" is one of my motivational songs on there. My gym even has a recumbent elliptical, which I used when I didn't have the energy to go on the regular after my swim and strength training. Have a great time with it!:happy:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Wahhoooo!!!! :happy: Tackling gym equipment is scary haha, I've been there - good for you!!! I love the elliptical now - you'll be surprised how much longer you'll be able to go once you get comfortable with it. I started out dying at 15 mins now I can go for 50! (well on some days...haha other days we fight, but those days are futher apart now :laugh: )

    Congrats! You just made my day :)
  • mmasuda
    How exciting! You have inspired me to try it out tomorrow... and I think I will play those songs everyone else recommended!
  • deanna86
    Thanks guys! I have another appointment at 9am, so I am going to try and do it again. Good luck to all of you on your weight loss journey! Glad I could inspire someone!
  • marniehodges
    I love that machine! And it's so exciting to keep increasing time and levels! I'm now up to 60 minutes. :bigsmile: Oh, and love Black Eyed Peas while I'm burnin it up!
  • deanna86
    That's awesome! I hope to get there soon! I want to eventually start running on the treadmill too. I broke my ankle in 3 places back in April when I was moving out of my apartment (I stepped off the curb wrong when I was carrying a bunch of stuff), and had to have surgery, so I am trying to get some strength back there. So far so good. I love to work out to rap/hip-hop, rock, and pop. Any song ideas are greatly appreciated!