Help! I'm not losing weight!

And I TOTALLY know why. I'm eating more calories than I'm burning and I'm not logging. Pretty simple concept. BUT, since I have you here...I was hoping to get some opinions. I started counting calories and working out last March and since that time have lost 45 pounds. Woohoo! all occurred before November 2013. Since then my weight has fluctuated about 5 pounds. I still have 30-40 more pounds to lose. It seems like I've given up. I know, I know, I just don't "want it bad enough". But WHY? WHY don't I want it bad enough? My theory is, I lost 45 pounds and I started thinking I was looking pretty good. I can't imagine ever being thinner than I am right now. I can't visualize it. Did somehow I flip a switch to "I'm good enough"? If so, that switch needs to be flipped back RIGHT NOW. :angry: My question is this, has anyone ever gotten half way to their goal weight and just said "ok, I'm not COMPLETELY disgusted with myself now, so I will just call it good". If so, what did you do to turn that thinking around?


  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Got to the same point as you. About 3 years ago, I lost 30 pounds of the 60 I really needed to lose. Bought a dress for a formal event and had to lose that 30 pounds to fit into it. Once there, I said to myself, lets see if I can maintain this for a while...

    3 years later, I had gained back all 30 pounds. Nope, not more than I had lost like usual, but just the weight I had groaned, sweated and cried off me.

    So I'm doing this again. And hopefully, I'll be smarter about this and not reach a point that says "good enough", or "enough for now". I'm here till I reach my peak. Whatever that peak is, even if it isn't the ideal I set for myself when I started again.

    Don't become complacent. Figure out if this point is where you want to be. If it's only your 'good enough', then find what motivated you to start with. Find something else that drives to you continue.

    It's in you. You just have to shush the voice that is saying it's good enough for now.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    Got to the same point as you. About 3 years ago, I lost 30 pounds of the 60 I really needed to lose. Bought a dress for a formal event and had to lose that 30 pounds to fit into it. Once there, I said to myself, lets see if I can maintain this for a while...

    3 years later, I had gained back all 30 pounds. Nope, not more than I had lost like usual, but just the weight I had groaned, sweated and cried off me.

    So I'm doing this again. And hopefully, I'll be smarter about this and not reach a point that says "good enough", or "enough for now". I'm here till I reach my peak. Whatever that peak is, even if it isn't the ideal I set for myself when I started again.

    Don't become complacent. Figure out if this point is where you want to be. If it's only your 'good enough', then find what motivated you to start with. Find something else that drives to you continue.

    It's in you. You just have to shush the voice that is saying it's good enough for now.

    Thank you. I just need a little pep talk. This is NOT good enough. It's hard though because I don't really know why I started. I knew I was unhappy at my weight but after years of "woe is me" I will never be thin, a switch flipped (that's the only way I can describe it). I just woke up one day and started counting calories and creating a deficit. What really did it for me was seeing results. That's what kept me going week after week. I guess maybe I just need one week. One week of a 250 calorie deficit every day and 1 pound loss at the end of that week. Something to remind me that I have the power to do it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You're asking us why you don't want to lose more weight?

    Well...who knows better than you?
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    I sort of reached that point last year. I lost most of my initial weight from January to May, and then from May to January of this year I lost a grand total of 6 pounds (I indulged in Thanksgiving and Christmas foods without a care in the world and stopped being diligent about tracking).

    I joined a biggest loser competition at my gym this January, recommitted to logging everything I eat, eating out less, and have lost another 17 pounds--more than I lost in half of last year. I've got my momentum back and it feels good!

    Find a new challenge or goal to get you back on track. This is your life after all, so it's ok to have periods of not losing/maintaining. The point is you've recognized it, and now you can get back to eating at a reasonable deficit and recommit to your previously established healthy habits.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    What about short term goals? Make a calorie goal, stick to it for 6 weeks. Then decide where you want to go from there.
  • rico80
    rico80 Posts: 3 Member
    It's a change in lifestyle, not just a weightless plan. That's the only way to loose it and keep it off.. You have done a great job so far, if you keep your calorie intake and exercise pretty consistent that will become your way of life so you won't have to think about..keep persevering and it will come.. This year is the first one I've not eaten the kids Easter eggs and had to replace them at least once. It's not even been a thought and that's progress for me...x
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I've felt that way too. Lost a bunch till I was my school weight of 165 and short of stopped. Back at it and feeling super accomplished and I'm scared in 20 pounds I'll do the same thing. Maybe I'll buy some small pants and use those to fit into for motivation.

    We'll just have to motivate each other.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    You're asking us why you don't want to lose more weight?

    Well...who knows better than you?

    Maybe try this....
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Yes, we grow complacent. We become "good enough". To get over that hump, it's time to recommit.

    Why do you want to lose those additional pounds (health, special outfit, revenge for a broken heart, and/or children - the reason is different for everyone)? What's that goal going to look like for you (this visual may not be envisioning a thinner you, it could be envisioning a happier you, or a healthier you)? Do you have mini goals/rewards between now and then? Example of that for me is that I will be taking my son and myself to an indoor rock climbing place when I achieve OneUnderLand (yes, I'm currently over 200 lbs, 224 to be exact). I've never attempted rock climbing and think that with the changes in my diet (thinking eating habits, not on a diet) and exercise (I'm strength training again as soon as I get doctor's go ahead after gallbladder removal surgery), I should be able to haul myself up a rock wall.

    Once you answer those questions, and it's all about you so you don't have to share with anybody unless you want to. Then you need to recommit to doing those things that got you the weight loss to date. Logging everything (the good, the bad and the ugly if you go over daily calories or not) so that you can be more proactive about achieving a deficit in calories and moving more again so you can achieve a deficit in calories.

    I love that you got the attention of everyone with the "I can't lose weight" title. I was thinking of posting similar with myself but as a funny because I also know what I'm doing wrong and why I am having a problem. :-)

    You can do this!!!!!