1700 calories and didnt lose weight. help please

I ate around 1700 calories for a week. And burned around 220 from light walks with my dog, and other small things daily. I weight 7 0kg and am about 170 cm tall. MFP estimated that I lose around 6kg in 5 weeks(Even at sedentary level)
As I wanna lose about 10kgs.
And I didnt lose anything, ugh really fustrating. I was hungry but mostly nightimes.
Pleaseee some isight.


  • deup
    deup Posts: 129 Member
    well starting off should open your profile so people can see what it is your eating to be able to help you out a little better :)
    what are your meals like?
    what adds are you avoiding? salt, sugar,
    what are you eating :)
    eating empty calories? and whats your protien intake like?
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    It's hard to say with only one week under your belt. If you continue eating/exercising like this, you may end up losing 2-3 pounds next week. The body is strange, be patient and your hard work will eventually show.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    1. It's one week. The weight loss will or may not happen in one week.
    2. Weight fluctuates every day. Water weight and natural daily fluctuations are to be expected.
    3. Taking measurements can help you gauge progress, rather than a number on a scale.
  • lolapopX
    lolapopX Posts: 11 Member
    I eat pretty well, Breakfast is usually oatmeal, banana, and milk. Lunch would be like two tunas and salad. Dinner would be a whole skinless chicken breast and salad too. Everything adds about to 1700cal
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I eat pretty well, Breakfast is usually oatmeal, banana, and milk. Lunch would be like two tunas and salad. Dinner would be a whole skinless chicken breast and salad too. Everything adds about to 1700cal

    Do you weigh your food? You may be underestimating calories.
    Also may be beneficial to add more fibrous foods, and to add smaller snacks into your day if you're hungry.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    One week is not long enough to definitely see results. You didn't gain, did you? Try 2-3 more weeks, and if there is no change then you'll need to readjust. .
  • lolapopX
    lolapopX Posts: 11 Member
    Well I've measured my food once, like I know 1/2 cup of oats is like 45gs, usually about 300g chicken breast, and I've got a measuring cup for 250ml milk. And I usually weight vegies too. Which dnt add up to much anyway.
    But I find it odd that I may not lose in the first week but lose in the following weeks, just seems ilogical. But thats just the human I guess.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Some weeks you will loose nothing and other weeks you will loose double what you expected. Also if you activity is new to you then that will also pause the weight loss as you adjust and then it will drop off later
  • lolapopX
    lolapopX Posts: 11 Member
    One week is not long enough to definitely see results. You didn't gain, did you? Try 2-3 more weeks, and if there is no change then you'll need to readjust. .
    Luckily I didnt gain, I actually maintained. Which was pretty cool ^^
    Eating at 1700cals, I didnt feel deprived and felt better with a a few indulgences here and there. (counted of course)..