Losing the 30! I need your help!

Hello lovelies :)

I have two big events this summer (my cousins wedding OR a leadership conference that I realllllyyyy want to go to) and I want to lose 30 pounds by the time they roll around. Both are around July 19th. Thats exactly 3 months. Is this possible and if so could you give me some tips on how to do it?

Some data for you:

I am 5'8, 18 years old and don't have access to a gym. However, I do like walking and love veggies [I will eat any type of vegetable except peas/snow peas]. I am yo-yo-ing around 286-289 right now but that is probably because I've had a bad couple of weeks with eating.

Thank you guys and have a great Saturday!

---- Robyn


  • happykate2
    MFP suggests loss of 1 pound per week. You're averaging two pounds a week, which to be honest.. is going to be hard to do unless you are at the gym for HOURS a day. Don't focus so much on the numbers. Just make sure you do it in a healthy way. Good luck.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    You don't need to go to a gym to lose weight. You need to eat in a calorie deficit. IMO you could lose 2lbs a week for a while because you have a lot to lose. That would be eating 1000 calories a day less than maintenance. Have you let MFP set goals for you?

    Regardless how much you lose in 90 days, you will lose something, and that will be wonderful, won't it?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    At your weight and height yes you could probably lose 30 lbs.

    1. Go to a grocery store and start buying your food
    2. Buy a food Scale and start using it
    3. STOP drinking your calories
    4. More Protein
    5. Walk 3 miles or 10k steps a day
    6. Eat 1600-1700 calories daily no excuses, no more no less.

    Follow those and you got a good shot.
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks y'all!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    You've done a great job so far...not sure when you started but you're already down 20 pounds. Nice start. I agree with above posters that given your weight, you should be able to do 2 pounds a week of weight loss IF you are focused and willing to kick it up:

    1. Avoid eating out/fast food at all costs. If you do, drink water and choose from the menu wisely. Don't be a hermit, but since restaurants can blow your diary to smithereens make them a special event not an excuse to have a cheat day. If you have a date with friends at a restaurant, drink a large glass of water or tea beforehand, along with a light meal. When you're at the restaurant, then you can have a nice salad, soup or healthy appetizer plate and not indulge in the typical super-sized meal as so many restaurants offer these days.

    2. I noticed you have white bread/rolls, etc in your diary. I'd try to replace them with low-carb tortilla wraps, whole grain crackers, etc. Have bread as a treat rather than a fixture at every meal. And whole grain is always better than white bread.

    3. I think you're doing nicely with protein macros. Continue to focus on more protein to keep you satisfied and your body energized. I purchased a container of Designer Whey Protein powder (vanilla) at the grocery and I use it to make smoothies. One scoop is 18mg of protein but only 100 calories.

    4. Avoid sugar in drinks (like tea at McDonalds). Wean yourself off anything sugary and you'll love that you have calories for something that you can really sink your teeth into :bigsmile:

    5. Watch calorie swings from day to day. It's okay to miss the mark every so often and go over a couple hundred calories (life happens) but try as much as you can to be consistent.

    6. It looks like you do a nice job with logging and preparing much of your own food. Stay the course and remember to take drinks and prepared snacks with you when you may be away for longer periods of time.

    7. Make exercise part of your week--if possible 4 times a week. Cardio is a great start but plan to incorporate strength training if you haven't yet. Watch YouTube videos for home workouts and weight/resistance training. There are so many good resources that with a few weights, resistance bands, a floor mat and a chair, you can DIY. At some point, you might want to pick up used exercise equipment at garage sales or Craigs List.

    You are no longer a sedentary person of 300 pounds. You are an active young woman who is on her way to 140 pounds. See yourself as that person and when you go to the wedding in July, you'll be rocking a new dress size. Good luck, Robin!
  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    I'm no expert, but I believe that at your weight, you will have no problems losing the weight if you stay hard at nutrition and working out. Bigger people (like myself) tend to burn calories faster than smaller people because our heart/cardiovascular system is working harder, so we breathe harder to get more oxygen into the bloodstream (which makes the muscles work).

    I am starting a new regimen of walking uphill. I am starting off walking at 3mph, and instead of increasing the speed, I increase the incline on the treadmill starting at 8 degrees and working up to 15 degrees at increasingly tougher time intervals each day (this, of course, can be done outside if you have a walking path and can calculate the elevation change through GPS or topo maps). My hypothesis is that I will burn calories at the same rate walking uphill as I would running on level ground, or slightly inclined hills. I plan on increasing my speed very moderately, by like .1 mph per week, as 3mph at a +12-15 incline already has my heart rate above 160 bpm. I, of course, expect this number to decline as my body conditions.

    Anyways, this is just my example of changing things up. You have to want it bad.... if you are tough enough to elevate your heart rate and sweat, you can do it. If you wig out as soon as you start sweating or get bored, you will never get where you want. I believe you can do it.

    Don't forget to drink water!

  • Astronomically_Im_Tiny
    MFP suggests loss of 1 pound per week. You're averaging two pounds a week, which to be honest.. is going to be hard to do unless you are at the gym for HOURS a day. Don't focus so much on the numbers. Just make sure you do it in a healthy way. Good luck.

    Not attacking here, but I just wish to understand your logic. if she is already averaging 2 lbs per week, how would it be hard for her to do? I do have to disagree with you on one thing, though. Being at the gym for "hours" per day is irrelevant. For instance, those that do HIIT spend a 1/3 of the time working out as those that just do a moderate workout for the same calorie burn. It depends on what you do during the workout. Everyone has an exhaustion point, and if you work out past that, you are doing more harm than good.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I started out fairly light and only wanted to lose 8.5 lbs to get to my weight class for kickboxing. Only 8lbs is a clothing size! So even if you only lose half of what you hope (I'm not saying you wont lose more) is quite the dramatic change! So give this a shot, don't starve yourself and feel like crap for the victory! If you can lose the weight and still feel great go for it. If the weight comes off more slowly, you'll still be amazed at how small you can get! Good luck.
  • ChristopherHanson
    I really think that you've set some good goals and you will get there with the right motivation! I’ve recently started dieting again and I’ve lost 15lbs within the last 3 month. I know this isn’t a big achievement yet, but after decades of struggling I am happy about the results so far. I never liked pre-set diet plans but I read about negative-calorie foods on http://www.nonstopdieting.com and it has really helped me. All the information was reviewed, tested and best it didn’t cost me anything to read it.

    Managing my weight really became easier after I started eating some more negative-calorie foods. It seemed like I had more energy and motivation to stick to my work out routine :)