Pain doing simple exercises

Okay, either I dont know how to interpret pain from doing it right, or I'm doing it really, really wrong. On my carpeted floor, I lie down on my back and lift my legs to my bed and do about 60 crunches. After that I lie flat on my back again and lift my legs into the air, then lower them slowly down and hold them at about 6 inches off of the ground. Other than that, I do squats (I try to keep my back straight, feet shoulder-width apart) - about 20, and then the exercises from the end of the Hip Hop Abs video (doggy style leg kick things). The other day my neck/right shoulder hurt so bad I couldn't really move that side of my upper body, and my knee hurt really bad too (pinched nerve type feelings). Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? I really enjoy my exercises, but I haven't been able to do them for 2 days now because of the pain.

ETA: I'm not using any weights, if there's any other details you need please let me know! I'll try to elaborate as much as possible to figure this out.


  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    We wouldnt know if your form was right or wrong unless we watched you do the exercises, but from what you listed I cant imagine why your neck and shoulder would be hurting since you were doing very basic abb workout... You could be pulling on your head/neck while doing those crunches, dont do that.
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    It's really impossible to know if you are doing something wrong without seeing you in action. Proper form is very important to get the full effect of the exercise and to avoid injury. My first advice is to go to the gym and ask someone to watch you perform your moves and tell you if you are doing it wrong. If you don't belong to a gym, you could try searching YouTube for instructional videos that show the basic moves you described. To see if you are copying the moves correctly you would need to have a full length mirror so you can watch yourself do them. But, it really would be best to have someone observe and then tell you how to correct your form. So even if you had a friend or family member watch the video with you and watch you copy the moves they may be able to see if you are doing it the same as the person on the video.