caloric cost of froyo samples?

ok i know this is a really weird question so i'd appreciate if i didn't get to much hate/judgment from you guys for asking it i'm just really curious!!!

but what would you say the caloric cost of frozen yogurt samples at a self serve place like 16 handles would be? i was there the other day and the woman gave me one of those little paper sampling cups, and i sampled about 6 or 7 flavors. i know that the flavors are like 20-30 calories per oz but i have no clue how many oz the little cups would be. if anyone would like to make an educated guess for me it would be absolutely lovely.


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  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I'd count them as ten calories per sample. You likely didn't consume a full ounce of each, so that's a fair guess.

    But it's totally a guess :)
  • thanks so much!

    does anyone else have any input haha?