How much weight can I lose in 109 days? (For a bet)


I'm 5'2, 180 lbs as of right now. My girlfriend and I have a bet going on to see who can obtain their goal weight by August 12th, 2014. My ultimate goal weight is 140 lbs. I'm sure that that's not obtainable in 109 days, so I'm wondering how much weight can I lose in that amount of time with the following:

- I'm a Vegetarian, so I'll be substituting a meal in the morning for a protein shake with lots of fruits and veggies (kale, mango, pineapple, apple, etc). As well as snacking on fruits the entire day and eating more than my limit in greens (I love spinach!)
- We plan on doing T-25 together and then doing the 30 Day Shred afterwards
- Aside from the T-25 and the 30 Day Shred, I'll be going to the gym to do some weight lifting and more cardio (treadmill, stair climber) and assisting Zumba classes and spin classes.

I know I have to take it easy the first couple of days since my body isn't accustomed to all that I'm going to put it through, but what do you guys think is a weight goal that I can put down for myself in 109 days?

Thanks in advance!


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    15 lbs.

    You might get more, but you want to win your bet, don't you? :p Setting realistic goals helps you achieve them and makes you feel better about yourself because you achieved your goal.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    at two pounds a week you could be down about 30 pounds in 109 days
  • xPvn
    xPvn Posts: 2 Member
    Not sure why anyone do do those TV exercises, when hiit or inclincline will give you better accurate results.

    You could lose up to 31 lbs, if your diet is perfect and so is cardio every single day. Depending on how big of a caloric deficit you have.
  • VinceDelmonte
    Between 18 to 26 lbs if you are dialed in to your diet and eat clean
  • NYCGamerGirlx
    NYCGamerGirlx Posts: 48 Member
    Whoops, I forgot to put that I'm set at 1,800 calories a day here on MFP. I don't know if that helps any. LOL.
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    Its different for everyone but you can easily lose 15+ lbs in that time. But to be healthy don't go for more than 30. I just did a challenge and lost 20lbs. in 100 days and most the others did about the same. I am 5'3" and 146lbs. I eat regular foods and exercise regularly as well. Good Luck
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    You can set your MFP to 2 pounds a week or you can figure out your own calorie deficit by calculating your RMR and then subtracting 1000 from that and you will end up with needed daily caloric intake. This site might help...
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I'm the same height and started at 205. I lost 25 lbs in 100 days, putting me where you are starting. This second hundred days is going more slowly - I'll probably lose 20 lbs. And this is eating ~1400 calories a day, plus roughly half my exercise calories. I've been active 2 hours a day on average, one hour of walking and one hour at the gym, and I've recently added an hour of bike commuting. In short, I'm doing just about all I can do, and I'm not expecting to lose a huge amount of weight.