how many inches?



  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Those first few pounds may have just been water so that may be why you don't see it in inches yet. You'll lose water from your muscles, organs, etc. first. Or it could be fat from areas you don't measure like your fingers, feet, ankles, face, etc.

    the 10 pounds was not a quick loss, it is not water weight. but thanks for not even coming close to answering the question.

    Water weight does not have to be quick and it could be muscle loss too. Me telling you how many inches I've lost isn't going to help you! Only you understanding why you don't see the loss will help you!

    I know it's not going to help me. I was looking for a general idea. Motivation perhaps. Clearly you couldn't provide that. I've been changing my lifestyle for years. Trust me when I say it's not just water weight. I've been a member of MFP for just a few months longer than you (which... is quite a long time). I've read just as much information as you. Just, I've been the unlucky 21 year old girl who had 2 surgeries during that time and her meds (that i have to take for the rest of my life) cause consistent weight gain. No. It's not water weight. Thanks anyway.

    Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, plus weighing one first thing when one wakes up and at the same time each week will help eliminate the miscalculations of water weight. Meaning, weighing in the evening after exercise would show that one ways less, but first thing in the morning before one exercise would be ones most accurate weigh in. Also the average person would only carry about 3 to 5 pounds of 'water' weight at any given time except after exercise, which is why one should not weigh themselves after working out. Also, water weight is not slow to lose as its usually the first pounds lost but is replenished each day if a typical person drinks the accurate amount of water. Its not recommended to weigh oneself everyday but instead weekly, as this will also help prevent miscalculations from water weight.

    What I've seen about Nevermorex is that she weighs herself only once a week, at the same time, and has steady lost the weight, and therefore its not water weight. Most likely, the weight has been lost over a percentage of her body which would mean that she wouldn't pull large numbers in certain locations. Measuring the hips, neck, bust, arms, legs, and thighs will help her see what parts of her body the weight is being shed from, and see what parts are more her 'trouble' spots. Her trouble spots might just take some strength exercise and a little extra attention a day to help jump start those parts shedding inches.
  • cheesesandwich
    cheesesandwich Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'4", and I haven't been measuring inches since I first started losing weight, but in the last month I've only lost about 5 pounds, but 13 inches overall. Strength training helps SO MUCH - I was really flabby to begin with, having previously been one of those people who only did cardio because I didn't want to be "bulky". I do a bit at the gym (where there's a 30 minute circuit training area), and 30 Day Shred at home - Level 2 has really toned up my arms! So perhaps you just need to find the right strength moves for the areas you want to lose inches from?
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Those first few pounds may have just been water so that may be why you don't see it in inches yet. You'll lose water from your muscles, organs, etc. first. Or it could be fat from areas you don't measure like your fingers, feet, ankles, face, etc.

    the 10 pounds was not a quick loss, it is not water weight. but thanks for not even coming close to answering the question.

    Water weight does not have to be quick and it could be muscle loss too. Me telling you how many inches I've lost isn't going to help you! Only you understanding why you don't see the loss will help you!

    I know it's not going to help me. I was looking for a general idea. Motivation perhaps. Clearly you couldn't provide that. I've been changing my lifestyle for years. Trust me when I say it's not just water weight. I've been a member of MFP for just a few months longer than you (which... is quite a long time). I've read just as much information as you. Just, I've been the unlucky 21 year old girl who had 2 surgeries during that time and her meds (that i have to take for the rest of my life) cause consistent weight gain. No. It's not water weight. Thanks anyway.

    Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, plus weighing one first thing when one wakes up and at the same time each week will help eliminate the miscalculations of water weight. Meaning, weighing in the evening after exercise would show that one ways less, but first thing in the morning before one exercise would be ones most accurate weigh in. Also the average person would only carry about 3 to 5 pounds of 'water' weight at any given time except after exercise, which is why one should not weigh themselves after working out. Also, water weight is not slow to lose as its usually the first pounds lost but is replenished each day if a typical person drinks the accurate amount of water. Its not recommended to weigh oneself everyday but instead weekly, as this will also help prevent miscalculations from water weight.

    What I've seen about Nevermorex is that she weighs herself only once a week, at the same time, and has steady lost the weight, and therefore its not water weight. Most likely, the weight has been lost over a percentage of her body which would mean that she wouldn't pull large numbers in certain locations. Measuring the hips, neck, bust, arms, legs, and thighs will help her see what parts of her body the weight is being shed from, and see what parts are more her 'trouble' spots. Her trouble spots might just take some strength exercise and a little extra attention a day to help jump start those parts shedding inches.

    thank you <3
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    Since April 21 I have lost 34 pounds and 20.5" from my body. :smile:
  • Beckerz85
    Beckerz85 Posts: 1
    That would be overall inches lost. Tally them up by adding all your inches together for your first week and your current inches. Then subtract your current and first weeks total and that would be your overall inches lost. Hope that helps!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm down 30 pounds and have lost 20.25 inches from my measurements.
    I measure
    waist (smallest part)
    abdomen (belly button)

    6 of those inches off my abdomen
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    In the past 3 months, I've lost 15 lbs and 18 inches total. 4 from my waist, 3.25 from my hips, 1.75 from my arms, 2.75 from my chest/bust, 2.25 from under my bust, 2 from my thighs, 1.25 from my neck, and .75 from my forearms, to be exact. :)
  • sleepyraccoon
    sleepyraccoon Posts: 8 Member
    i really only started working out about two weeks ago and have successfully lost 10 pounds and quiet a lot of inches and i don't know if it was from the help from a waist trimmer and albolene, but it really worked, but i'm still working on getting rid of my gut. since i measured myself before i started working out (i started INSANITY, but after the second week i kind of gave up and started working out different) and started eating right used the wait trimmer and albolene. i sweat A TON and i lost about:

    two inches off of my lower waist
    an inch and a half from my upper waist
    from my right thigh i lost two inches
    from my left thigh i lost two and a half inches
    on my chest i lost an inch
    and on both arms i lost half an inch

    so in total i lost nine inches. i was so happy to see these results but i've always been able to lose weight quiet easily but i've also fluctuated with this weight since i was in my sophomore year of high school. i'm going to start eating right and start insanity up again, but i don't know if i'm going to get results like this again. i might considering it's starting to warm up and i'll probably sweat like a pig.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 477 Member
    I'm 5'2.75" and 37 years old. I've lost approximately 45lbs and approximately 37" around my body. I measure my arms, bust, under-bust, waist, hips, thighs and calves. I've recently noticed that my neck, wrists, fingers, ankles and feet are MUCH smaller. In fact, I've lost a whole shoe size. You should see what I have to do to continue wearing some of my fav makes me happy but sad! They will definitely need to go to new homes soon.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I just wanted this on my newsfeed.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    ^i want your inches on my forehead
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    I actually gained an inch tbrough weight loss.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    I actually gained an inch tbrough weight loss.

    and an extra b
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    ^i want your inches on my forehead

    This imagery.

    This imagery so much.
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    By the time I lost around 14 pounds, I had lost half an inch on my neck, an inch on each thigh, one inch on my waist and two inches on my hips. I haven't really been monitoring my chest or bust lately. I probably should, lol. :)
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    ^i want your inches on my forehead

    This imagery.

    This imagery so much.

    It an be made reality..after all it is harsh!...heh get it!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I am 5' 2"
    81 pounds lost so far - 244 to 163
    Neck - 2 inches 15 to 13
    Chest - 11 inches 43 to 32
    Waist - 11 inches 38 to 27
    Hips - 10 inches 52.5 to 42.5

    I wish I keep the top half from going down anymore :angry:
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    in total...i couldn't say but just on my waist... i've lost 8 inches
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm 5' 5" and have lost 50 lbs., so far. I started this new healthier lifestyle in September, 2013 at a weight of 195 lbs., and now weigh 145 lbs. The only measurement I took at the beginning was my waist where I've lost 8 inches. But I can give you some other stats. My pants size went from a VERY tight 16W to a size 4, bra size was 38 D, now 34 C and shoe size 8W to 7 1/2.

    *Edited to add I'm 52! :)
  • TheyCallMeMISTERChace
    In 4 months, I lost 50+ pounds and went from a 42 inch elastic waist to a 32 non-elastic presently.
    As for other inches... the thing that Dr. Oz said about every 35 pounds for a man is true as well... :)