Favorite Protein Sources??



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Steak, chicken, especially fried chicken, lamb, lobster (best thing ever), pork, period. No nasty powder crap for me.
  • Spooky_Scully
    Spooky_Scully Posts: 73 Member
    I am a protein fiend - I struggle to meet my carb macro sometimes, but never my protein. I find that having a good amount of protein in my diet fills me up and helps me recover from my workouts! Plus I don't get the minor, yet annoying, digestive problems I get from my slight intolerances to grains and starches. I eat quite a bit of the following:

    Red Meat (love a good steak! Sometimes get my carb macros from the side of chips, hahaha)
    EGGS!!! (I eat a lot of eggs, haha. But yeah, several a day, literally)
    Quest bars (Cookie Dough…Zomg)
    Chicken Breast (Stuffed with feta and spinach - yummmmm)
    Seafood (only occasionally, its hard to get where I live)
    Greek Yoghurt
    Cottage Cheese
    Protein Powder (I use Gold Standard Whey by Optimum Nutrition, but any quality powder works)

    Hope this helps! :)
  • daweez04
    daweez04 Posts: 35 Member
    Meat (Chicken and Beef)
    Whey Protein Powder
    Greek Yogurt
    Cottage Cheese
    String Cheese
    Whole Grain bread
    Peanut butter
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
  • Dumoria
    Dumoria Posts: 10 Member
    Im having a hard time reaching my protein macros and Im going waaaay over my carb macros 40 protein 30 carbs 30 fat...Any suggestions on what I can add?? I do not like fish...How do you guys get your protein in??

    I used to have the same problem until I started spreading them across the day. I aim for 80g protein, depending on the number of cals I'm eating, so I make sure that I get about 25g for lunch and dinner, with 15g in the afternoon. I generally get the rest through dairy, lean luncheon meats and the occasional snickers.

    Here's a typical morning/afternoon shift:

    - Lunch: chicken or tuna sandwich (or another sandwich, depending on dinner)
    - Afternoon snack: 125g fat free fromage frais with fruit and almond/hazelut butter or 100g full fat cottage cheese with something.
    - Evening: a warm meal with whatever fits my macros.
    - Drinks: 20cl whole milk, split as one café au lait and one capuccino, most of the time.

    Sometimes, I have a salad in the afternoon (built around proteins like tuna, cooked ham and/or cottage cheese) instead of the yoghurt if I had something sweet for lunch. I also throw in a piece of fruit in there and other snacks if I still have cals for them. Sometimes, my proteins are lower or higher, but it all evens out in the end.

    I like this template because it makes planning and logging easier. When I'm off, I eat whatever as long as it fits. :happy:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    What everyone else said but do you need it as high as 40%? I have mine at 35% and that gives me a good 150g (I've also had it at 30% previously). That fuels my recovery just fine (lifting 4x a week).

    Unless you're doing some serious hypertrophy work, you could get away with having more carbs if that suits your eating habits better - if not, eat all the meat :)
    UFITYETXX Posts: 38
    Thank you guys for all your suggestions..great ideas that I will definitely be adding to my day! I think I just need to be better at planning too. I usually enter most my entries at night when I get home from work because I have a job where you cant have a computer or cell phone (yay). I only get 1200 calories a day which makes it even harder! But I have learned to manage that part...sort of...
  • Mollysous
    Mollysous Posts: 30
    Bacon. Hands down, my favorite source of protein is bacon. Now do I get bacon all the time, no, but we do indulge in a slice or two on Sunday's, because everyone should get to have the things they love every once in a while. :)

    On the other hand, our most common protein source would be beans, on Monday, I cook up a crock pot full of beans (black, kidney, pinto, or chickpea) and add stuff to it throughout the week (i.e. veggies, rice, quinoa, sometimes pork or chicken) to make it last.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member

    Pick one or multiple, they are all delicious.

    ^ oh this x 1000
  • babsabs2011
    babsabs2011 Posts: 46 Member
    Quinoa, Greek yogurt, string cheese...chicken sometimes
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    I keeps seeing this from our American friends .. can someone tell me, What is String Cheese? (please tell me it's not that crap in a can :tongue: )
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Right now I'm on a hard boiled egg craze. I don't like or drink milk but I love Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and just cheese in general. Love veggie burgers, quinoa, tempeh and tofu - yeah, go ahead and say it - I'm nuts. Speaking of that I love nuts, nut butters and legumes. I don't eat much meat but when I do it's usually lean turkey or chicken. Hebrew National makes some kick-@ss hot dogs that are high protein and really low fat. Lot of salt, though. Jennie-O makes some low fat turkey sausages that I like too.

  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I keeps seeing this from our American friends .. can someone tell me, What is String Cheese? (please tell me it's not that crap in a can :tongue: )

    No, no, not canned crap. String cheese is (usually) mozzarella cheese in a small cylindrical shape. It pulls apart in "strings." It's real cheese, just in a different shape.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Red meat

    Also I really like full fat Greek yogurt.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    As a vegetarian I eat 2-3 eggs a day and have greek yogurt with protein powders on training days! (:
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Stringy Cheese - Many thanks
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    This is a great post that should give you some good ideas:

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    eggs!!!! yummy... i probobly eat eggs 5 out of 7 days
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I think I just need to be better at planning too. I usually enter most my entries at night when I get home from work because I have a job where you cant have a computer or cell phone (yay).

    I spend Sunday pre-planning breakfast, snack1, lunch and snack2 for Monday through Friday. I enter nearly the entire week into MFP in the morning (sometimes on Saturday). I try to plan what food will fit most of my macro and micro requirements Then we go grocery shopping to see what's on sale that we could eat for dinner (pork is a new favorite). Then I cook a bunch of food I plan to reheat and eat during the week (salmon for breakfast, hard boiled eggs for snack, chicken for lunch, and maybe a baked sweet potato or two). My point is that it's much easier to enter it before you eat it. I know that I'm more likely to stick to it that way. Maybe give it a try. Maybe not the whole week, but at least try doing it the night before.

    I only get 1200 calories a day which makes it even harder!

    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE? If not, search for a calorie calculator and find a more reasonable goal. When I first joined MFP, I was super ambitious and wanted to lose 2lbs a week. Only 1200 calories? No thanks. Switched my goal to a reasonable 0.5lbs per week and got 1600. MUCH BETTER. Slow and steady wins the race. :)
    UFITYETXX Posts: 38
    Im only 4'11 and started at 138...ive calculated a hundred times and its always hetween 1200 and 1400...I exercise and get some calories back but its still a struggle.