What's the best SMALL change you've made?

The best small changes I've made are always taking the stairs at the station and at work, and cutting down on the large number of lattes and cappucinos I used to buy. I haven't given up my costa/starbucks/cafe nero habit completely, but the money in my purse is definitely lasting longer these days.


  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    cutting out sugar!

    made a huge difference
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    The best small change I've made is not going for second helpings at dinner. One is enough.
  • Lletnek
    Lletnek Posts: 18 Member
    Not sure if I'd call it small, but I cut 99% of bread out of my diet.

    I'd have probably 20-26 slices a week. Now I have 0-2 if that.

    I never feel bloated anymore. I've had 1 sandwich in 2 months. Highly recommend it, if you can do it. I've dieted many times before, this is the first time I've managed to cut bread out at any meaningful level!

    Good luck :)
  • cynner69
    cynner69 Posts: 10
    The best small change I've made has been switching to water. I cut out soda almost a year ago. I have seen great improvement in my skin and lost five pounds almost right away.
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    Cutting out all sodas! Since doing that I never actually have the urge to drink them! Haven't had a can of coke in a long long time which is saying something.. because I used to be a 2-3 can a day kind of girl hahahaha :)
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 150 Member
    Can't pick just one. But the secret for me has been if I eliminate something, I replace it with something else. I don't eliminate anything without substituting.
    Stopped using butter, use olive oil.
    Stopped using Splenda, use Truvia
    Stopped using milk, use AlmondMilk
    Stopped fried foods, cook grilled or stir fry
    Stopped coffee, drink herbal teas
    Stopped yogurt, use Greek yogurt
    Stopped sweet ice tea, drink water w/lemon
    Stopped fattening breakfast choices, drink a fruit smoothie
    the list goes on . . .
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Logging ALL my food. So I can't lie to myself about how much I'm eating.:blushing:
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    And water, I used to drink 10 diet Pepsi a week or so, give or take. Now I drink one diet Pepsi a week and a gallon of water a day.
  • bignat716
    bignat716 Posts: 18 Member
    Eating smaller portions and when I'm full, I actually stop eating and stop trying to force myself to eat it all.

  • kristensbeck
    kristensbeck Posts: 1 Member
    No sodas and no caffeinated products at all. Stopping caffeine had less to do with weight loss and more to do with the fact I was drinking so many cups of coffee and tea I wasn't getting a boost of energy from the caffeine. I could have drank a pot of coffee and immediately lain down for a nap. I spent a week snarling at people and dozing off, but now I feel more energetic than I ever have. Also, now if I actually NEED a little boost, a cup of coffee will actually do it's job. Bonus: less coffee drove me to drink more water.
  • Bought myself an activity tracker and realized how sedentary my life was - eye opening for me and a great motivator. This small change (along with tracking everything on MFP) has made all the difference in getting me active as well as loosing.

    Good Luck!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    using measuring cups to gauge how much I am eating

    eating a smaller breakfast

    not forcing myself to "clean my plate"
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Best changes: Cutting down on simple carbohydrates, while upping protein intake. Walking more each day.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Cutting out sugar in my coffee in the mornings.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Started using my food scale for everything but liquids. It's made a world of difference.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Added sugar and switching carb snacks for almonds or a protein . Cutting bsck on carbs mainky and soda
  • MrsKgettingfit
    MrsKgettingfit Posts: 28 Member
    Drinking water and cutting out white bread and pasta.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    cutting out sugar!

    made a huge difference

    That's a 'small' change? For me that would be HUGE! :) I've cut back, but not interested in cutting it out.
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    for me its been cutting out the diet pop, my cravings are gone phew
  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    Eating smaller portions and when I'm full, I actually stop eating and stop trying to force myself to eat it all.


    this is me also drinking a heap more water
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