1/2 my body weight friendly support please

ange_903 Posts: 25 Member

I am 35 and based in the uk. I weigh 240 lbs and need to loose half my body weight. I am looking for friends and support from anyone who is fighting the battle or won the war.



  • jsr0928
    jsr0928 Posts: 32 Member
    I am with you! I have to lose over 100 pounds myself. I am in Florida, but more than willing to encourage you to walk that pretty dog in your picture even in the rain!

    Let's beat this! -Judy
  • Kimberlaw01
    Kimberlaw01 Posts: 16 Member
    I need to lose more than half mine! Beat you :). We can beat it together. I have lost over 20 now and just keep moving along. The support on here is great. There really is something about a shared experience
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Stick to your diet and exercise hard and you will make it for sure. Stay on top of the mental game.
  • hello and good morning from America.. I an 41 and weigh in at.. 284.. (lost10 lbs since I started). I also am aiming at losing about half my body weight as well.. I would love to help each other.. its not easy but if you get yourself a routine started it can be fun... YOU CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS...WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!!! We get by with a little help from our friends!
  • lemantelli
    lemantelli Posts: 6 Member
    I am in this with you friend. 5'6 247 right now, just getting started. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    Count me in!
  • ange_903
    ange_903 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone, We will succeed
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I have 90 pounds to go to get to 1/2 my body weight. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Please add me. At 5'4" and about to turn 45, I'm currently 249 pounds, aiming for something like 155, and I'm terrified. I just joined MFP this morning and I'm eager to find (and give) support on this journey.
  • AyshT29
    AyshT29 Posts: 6
    I am in too.
  • emienne
    emienne Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 39... I started at 138kg / 304 pounds (5'6) :( so needed to lose over half mine... I'm 32kg / 70 pounds down now and at least another 41kg / 90 pounds to go.

    MFP and my Fitbit have changed my life... No, change that... *I* have changed my life with the awesome help of MFP and my Fitbit One :)
  • I have lost 56 pounds so far but have another 126 to go to reach my eventual target. Happy to help anyone but need support as well, this thread sounds good.
  • Same here!! I'll be your friend!