Insanity Challenge Group :) - Mid May


Hi everyone!
I'm Coach (Vanessa) Casalegno. I am an Insaniac and have been for about 3 years now, as I will be finishing my fourth round of it in three weeks. I would love to start an Insanity Challenge Group in mid May!

Let me tell you about my 5 W's for the beginning of my Beachbody Journey:

Who: A college sophomore at the time, looking to lose the little extra gained from the stress of my freshman year. My sister also needed to lose weight.

What: Lose extra fat and get back to my lean self!

When: September 2011 was the month I started my first round.

Where: Hollister, CA, in my family room. emoticon I wanted this program to take me where I used to be. I wanted to be in a place that made me feel confident.

Why: This is the BIGGY! Your WHY matters people. Not only had I gained extra weight, I also used to be in very good shape in high school; I played basketball, tennis, and kickboxed. It was frustrating to see that hard work disappear. My sister also needed motivation to lose the extra weight she had put on. We saw the infomercial, and we instantly knew it was something we had to do together. It was a bonding experience, and my sister and I are extremely happy with our results. My sister lost about 30 pounds with Insanity, and she got A LOT stronger. I was back to my old self and actually stronger than I was in high school. I couldn't believe it. So many people couldn't believe that a DVD program was "that" hard. They were convinced I was doing something else. I simply said, "No. I have started eating correctly (better) and popped in the INSANITY DVDs for 63 days." Not much simpler than that!


I've now had the luxury of watching two of my coworkers (siblings) finish Insanity. Both lost about 13/14 pounds. They look AMAZING! They have leaned out, are not shy to flex anymore, and have a new-found confidence. I love knowing what this program can do.

INSANITY is not easy. It's extreme and insane, but it works. You will be sore the first few weeks, especially if you aren't used to it. That's okay and that's normal. Look into getting a Preworkout like the E&E that Beachbody sells. Shakeology also fits in perfectly with the meal plan that INSANITY so kindly lays out for you.

The reason I want this to be in mid-May is because I would like to do this group with you. Plus, it'll give you time to get the program (maybe save a little for it) or get a challenge pack (even better for you), and figure out the meal plan, etc. Really prepare for this. Here are some fun facts for you:

FACT - Roughly 10% of people who start ISANITY, finish INSANITY. Crazy right?

FACT - Those that start INSANITY, join a challenge group, and commit to posting their accountability each day have their odds of completing the program and achieving amazing results triple. Yes...that says triple!

FACT - Those that start INSANITY, join a group, and make it to Day 1 of Month 2 have roughly a 75% chance of completing the program. Remember, it's easy to quit, so DON'T!

If you are interested, I would like to get to know you. Post your 5 W's below. Who are you? What do you want from this group? Where will you work out and where do you want to be after this program? When do you plan on working out and when do you expect to have the results you desire? Lastly, why do you want to be in this group?

I look forward to hearing from you guys! This group will most likely be easier to maintain through Facebook. (If you don't have a Beachbody account, I can also set you up with that.)

Coach Casalegno


  • Jamiejlow
    I'm starting now so I would love to join your group. I would like to do Insanity for 90 days straight.


  • vmcasalegno
    Ok great! I replied to your other response. Do you have the workout calendar and nutrition guide?