Supportive friendly friends wanted



  • Beloved1rv
    Beloved1rv Posts: 16 Member
    Hi There!
    Looks like you just found a new friend. I am 58 years young, my daughter will be getting married in June and my son and his wife will give me my first grandchild in August! With all if these blessings on the horizon, I need to take better care of myself so I can enjoy all of these wonderful blessings.:flowerforyou:
  • TiLo0905
    TiLo0905 Posts: 34
    Hey all can you add me as well, I think I joined about...oh I dunno...23 seconds ago hahaha! I am surrounded by chocolate Easter Bunnies and I am heading out to the gym so the kids have time to hide everything in their rooms...having friends to chat with as I lose 107lbs will be great! Im Kim, 43, a future size 10! Nice to meet ya! :flowerforyou:
  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    Everyone to.send me those friend request. I've achieved success and motivated to help.others do the same.
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there, feel free to add me :happy:
  • detarrevo
    detarrevo Posts: 45
    Go ahead and add me, I'm online everyday to support.
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Soulgroovy
    Soulgroovy Posts: 9 Member
    Please feel free to add me!!! I have been here for awhile...lurking and sometimes updating...but I think the extra support will help!! I plan to get back on track using MFP as I still have about 50lbs to lose!!
    Welcome and get luck to you!!
  • kiawenniserathe
    kiawenniserathe Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. I'm looking for friends who have 50+ pounds to lose and who have gone through menopause. I feel like I have a completely different body now, not so cooperative. :( Hopefully, we can motivate one another and provide some great weight loss tips. Thanks.
  • Hey :) I have a good 70-80 lbs to lose and I always accept FR and look forward to supporting others :) I will send you a request, but anyone else, feel free to add me :)
  • I am new to this site. I have been on and off with it but I hope to use it more often than I have before. I need to loose about 30 pounds. Supportive friends would be nice - so please add me!
  • I new to this as well and would love to be your support and ask that you help me as well. I'm 53 years old, have four kids and one gchild. I have 50 more lbs to lose, have lost 18 already. My name is Kathy
  • CathyRin
    CathyRin Posts: 5
    Hi there, I too am wanting some more active MFP people to connect with. I joined long ago, but have only really been active on MFP these past few months. My biggest flaw is my inconsistency in my nutrition ????????????????. I'm down 36.4 lbs, and I still have a ways to go. I'm 29 years old, and have battled my weight my whole life. I made a promise to myself when I was 28 that I was not going into my thirties out of shape. I completed my first half marathon December 1, 2013, and that sparked my latest goal which was to complete 3 more sporting events in 2014. I have my next half marathon coming up in 2 weeks, and two 5km runs I am signed up for this year as well. My 2015 goal is to complete the Nike women's half marathon in San Francisco ????????????????

    Anyways, I'm always up for sharing tips, advice, or motivation and support. Please add me if you think we'd make a good support team!
  • CathyRin
    CathyRin Posts: 5
    Anyone can add me! I need new friends and some support! All my FP friends have been non-active! Pls hit me up ;D

    I will add you right now! ???? most of my friends are inactive too, so totally get where you are coming from ????
  • Tracy22184
    Tracy22184 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi you can add me I have loads to lose :)
  • soccermom4
    soccermom4 Posts: 12 Member
    Just got here and will need the support to so add away :)
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, I'm not looking to lose anything, but I can certainly give advice and motivation. I'm a personal trainer and health coach. Anyways, welcome to MFP, and you can add me if you want, and that goes for everyone here! I'm always looking for new friends! We all are here for a reason, and that's to reach a health goal, whether it's to lose weight, maintain weight and shred, or gain weight. Everyone, including myself, needs the push, support, and accountability, and this is why we are all here. Remember, there isn't a goal that cant be reached. You got this! :)
  • kelly132223
    kelly132223 Posts: 1 Member
    you could add me also. I am going to lose 65
    good luck!
  • catllew
    catllew Posts: 9 Member
    You've all been great, thanks so much, if I haven't added you, then I'm just being dizzy and have done something wrong, so just send me a request :) Looking forward to the journey together :)
  • I'm 41. I've already lost 110 pounds with about 25 more to go. Feel free to add. :)
  • Hi everyone:) I just joined so would love to have some friends so we can support each other! I'm quite young and have about 30 pounds to lose, feel free to add me:))