Goal weight opinions wanted, please!



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I think that one thing you should keep in consideration as you approach your weight loss goals is that you will probably have added muscle weight that you did not have the last time you were at 180 (unless you were into working out a lot at that time). I would be tempted to say that you should probably make a clothing size your goal rather than a specific weight. It sounds like that is roughly what you are going for anyway. There isn't any guarantee that you will look the same at 180 that you did before, but as long as you get to a healthy weight that your doctor approves of, you should just try to look the way you want to!

    Personally I am shooting for a size 6, but I really have no idea how much I will weigh when I get there, because I already weigh 20 pounds more in the size that I'm currently in than I did the last time I was in it.

    Anyway, you have made such great progress so far! Congratulations again :) Keep up all the good work!

    Good point - I didn't work out much at all when I was 180 pounds before (lucky teenager that I was with a decent metabolism) and I now work out 6 days a week, including some strength training along with my cardio.
    My husband, who met me when I weighed 212, said the other day that I look more fit than he has ever seen me - and that is almost 30 pounds heavier than the lightest he's ever known me. As it is, I have an almost-normal sized waist with 57 pounds left to go to my goal, so I am probably going to be a bit smaller than I was the last time I was 180 pounds.
    As far as "size" goal... I don't really have one. As long as I'm out of the teens, I will be happy. I'd also love to not have my thighs touch at all. Beyond that, I don't know.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Your goal weight is personal, however, let the numbers guide you. If you feel good and have good numbers from the doctors, I would go with the goal weight. Weight lose is not just about looking good...it is also about being healthy

    Definitely - the thing is, though, I always had decent blood pressure, good cholesterol levels, and good blood sugar levels, so I've never had to deal with a lot of obesity-related issues. I am fortunate in that, at least.
  • conni52
    conni52 Posts: 1 Member
    Your goal weight looks great. I personally think going much lower will change your hourglass and that is such a great figure to have!

    How'd you do the virtual model? Very cool!
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
  • Hi

    What I would do is stick to your current goal of 180 lbs. and see how you feel and look once you get there. If you feel that you would like to go lower, do iso in small 10 lb. steps. For example, make your next goal 170 lb.s, see how you look and feel and so on. Just remember you want to strike a comortable balance between a healthy weight and your lifestyle. If you feel too deprived at the lower weights, you may want to stay at around 180 lb. - because the last thing you want to do is get down to 150 lb., feel horribly deprived and go back up - very discouraging! Or you may feel that you look and feel great at 150 lb. and staying there is worth not eating the extra calories. It's your choice!! Also, keep exercising - 180 lbs. with added muscle from weight lifting looks alot better than 180 lbs. with more fat. Good Luck!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    180 is good Cory if you are happy with 180. You will look wonderful at 180. If you can get to 170 that would be a safe cushion for yourself and then you will have wiggle room if you know what I mean. Just find a happy place for you but I think since you exercise you will look slim and trim between 180 and 170. You will appear to be 150.

    I am sure people can not guess you are as big as you are at your current weight because of your height. That is the beautiful thing about height, right? :wink: If you weigh 250, you look like you only weigh 220 or so.

    I am 5,11 and built similar to you and my goal weight is 220. I will try to get to 210 or maybe even 200 but I will be sooo happy at 220 I would not know how to act.. :-)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Do what you think looks & feels best. The model thing doesn't look too thin at 155. There is less difference than I expected between the 2 actually. Probably anywhere in that range would be fine. But the final call comes down to you & what you think.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Weight is just a number and I pay closer attention to my dress size. I'm very muscular and many people are surprised at how strong gravity's pull is on me in comparison to the size clothes I wear. If I tried to weigh 125 or 120 (totally normal weight for someone who is 5'4"), I would look SCARY and be WAY too thin. For other women, 120 is a very comfortable weight.

    We're all different and if 180 is where you look and feel your best, that is a great goal weight.

    Also, our goal weight is not etched in stone. If you get to 180 and decide that's not the right goal for you, adjust as needed :)

  • 180 would be an outstanding achievement. However, think of it as an intermediate goal. In my opinion, 150 is ideal because it is a healthier weight in terms of body fat, to much of which can lead to medical issues such as diabetes and heart issues. Also, 180 may be too stress on your joints and ligaments. Remember, your running a marathon, not a sprint. When you get to 180, have your body fat measured. If you're over 20%, you need to keep going.:noway:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    The weight thing is not as important as being healthy and fit and feel good about yourself. I would say, get to your goal weight and then re-evaluate from there. You may feel like you want to lose 5 or 10 more, or maybe just reduce some body fat. I reduced body fat and GAINED weight. So really it matters more what you see in the mirror than what you see on the scale.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    180 would be an outstanding achievement. However, think of it as an intermediate goal. In my opinion, 150 is ideal because it is a healthier weight in terms of body fat, to much of which can lead to medical issues such as diabetes and heart issues. Also, 180 may be too stress on your joints and ligaments. Remember, your running a marathon, not a sprint. When you get to 180, have your body fat measured. If you're over 20%, you need to keep going.:noway:

    I'm going to have to disagree with you here, and here's my evidence. According to the American Counsel on Exercise, fitness through acceptable body fat % for women is between 21-31% and, as I don't have any desire to be leaner than "fit," I wouldn't want to go below 21%. I will probably shoot for around 25% which, at the rate I am going currently, would probably be around 180 pounds.

  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Check out Self magazine's "happy weight" calculator. I found it to be a realistic measurement because it uses your body frame size along with a few other variables like age, if you have children, etc.

    They also include a BMI calculator and an "ideal weight range" calculator so you can compare all three to a real picture of where you should be. Website is www.self.com then click Calculators & Programs. The site also has great fitness/excercise articles and videos.

    Thanks for the virtual body website, I'll have to check it out. Congratulations on your success so far!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Check out Self magazine's "happy weight" calculator. I found it to be a realistic measurement because it uses your body frame size along with a few other variables like age, if you have children, etc.

    They also include a BMI calculator and an "ideal weight range" calculator so you can compare all three to a real picture of where you should be. Website is www.self.com then click Calculators & Programs. The site also has great fitness/excercise articles and videos.

    Thanks for the virtual body website, I'll have to check it out. Congratulations on your success so far!

    Thanks for the tip - it says around 165... we'll see what I think when I get to 180. :)
  • I'm 5'10", larger bone structure and hips that curve. I'm at 176 now and I definitely still have 15 pounds to lose. I still have curves because my tummy has shrunk inward. No matter what my weight, my hips will never go away. It's just a simple matter of my chest/shoulder and hips being larger than my tummy. 160 is my goal weight and I think that's very reasonable. I never looked like those animated models did at that weight, LOL.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 5'10" as well, and my goal has always been 180. I recently bumped it down to 173 for two reasons:

    1. I can then officially say "I've lost 50 lbs!" I mean, at my heaviest I was pushing 230, but my official count started at 223 so that's where I want to go.
    2. I have 7lbs of "cushion" room, that I don't really care about. So then it's just easier to maintain, with out having to worry so much at always being right at 180.

    Anything less than that I think is highly unrealistic for me and too skinny.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm 5'10" as well, and my goal has always been 180. I recently bumped it down to 173 for two reasons:

    1. I can then officially say "I've lost 50 lbs!" I mean, at my heaviest I was pushing 230, but my official count started at 223 so that's where I want to go.
    2. I have 7lbs of "cushion" room, that I don't really care about. So then it's just easier to maintain, with out having to worry so much at always being right at 180.

    Anything less than that I think is highly unrealistic for me and too skinny.

    I love that reasoning!
    Not only that, but it would put you just into the "healthy BMI" range. I might do that, too. I think, however, because I am soooo close to my halfway point (7 lbs away at this point), I will wait until I lose another 15 pounds to change the goal just so my ticker stays on the happy side of the middle. :laugh:
  • I had no idea you were that tall. I'm 5'9" myself. I think you should do what you feel. I don't want to be bone thin either. I personally am aiming for a goal of around 160 to 170. See how you feel the close you get to your goal.....which is sooo close. I vote for curves! Curves at 5'10" = statuesque.

    You go girl! You're rockin it!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    i'm 5'8 and 185 pounds and i feel pretty chunky still. you do have two inches on me though so it might be a better fit for you. it is all very personal. Like you, i have a medium/large frame and i don't want to be skin and bones either. I dont even think its even pyshically possible for my body to be skin and bones because i'm very muscular, but anyway--My goal weight is set at 170 for now and im going to see how i feel once i get there. i'm sure you'll look beautiful either way.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey girl! I think it's all about how you feel & not the number on the scale!
    I am 5'9.25'' and my first goal was 170 & I am currently 172 & recently changed my goal to 155-157 :happy: It's all about how you feel where you're at. You might feel wonderful at 180 or 185 or 170 or 155!!! Just focus on your health & how your clothes fit. You'll figure it out!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I had no idea you were that tall. I'm 5'9" myself. I think you should do what you feel. I don't want to be bone thin either. I personally am aiming for a goal of around 160 to 170. See how you feel the close you get to your goal.....which is sooo close. I vote for curves! Curves at 5'10" = statuesque.

    You go girl! You're rockin it!

    My height would be more obvious in pictures with my hubby (who is just shy of 5'6") if I didn't stoop down and he didn't stand on his tiptoes. lol
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