What should I do after a cheat day?

So today is Easter, and I already ate in a cheating way. I haven't counted calories or macros, and I can't remember the last time I had a whole cheat day. It could be worse. I only felt stuffed for lunch, already went for a walk with my dog and I feel normal again. I went jogging for an hour fasted this morning as well.

Thing is (and I think this is the number one rule after a cheat day), I can't workout tomorrow (lifting) cuz the gym is closed. The only thing I can do is run for another hour like I did today. Should I do it? I'm doing IIFYM and IF (leangains, 16/8 hour split for over a month now), I workout five times a week with little cardio (20min max) and heavy resistance training. What should I eat the next day? Should I go low carb? Because I'm eating a lot of sweets today. Btw, I'm 73kg (~161 pounds) and 1.77m (~5"9) and cutting.

Thanks a lot in advance.


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    The same thing you did the day before a cheat day.

    I'd add "don't weigh for a few days" and "don't freak out" to the list.
  • FlexinHenrique94
    Low carb it is. Thanks MrM27.
    Oh, don't worry about it trogalicious. I find it very hard for me to freak out about anything :D. I'm more of a "what has been done, cannot be undone, so f**k it" guy :laugh:
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I work out a lot ,so while I have to watch my calories, I can get away with cheating if I just get back to what I was doing before. I blew it BIG time. I ate twice my normal calories! I started out a tad underweight so it's all good.
  • FlexinHenrique94
    Just for the record, I never said do low carb. That's your choice

    I went low-carb yesterday and didn't workout, as well as the day before that. Limited to 2000cals. Will you change your mind with that?
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    The same thing you did the day before a cheat day.

    This!! Don't beat yourself up over today! Do some cardio tomorrow if it's your only option. Some exercise is better than none!! Happy Easter! ????
  • FlexinHenrique94
    I'm actually feeling great about this day. I feel happy. Maybe it's all the serotonin synthesis in my brain from the chocolate.