Are you doing it for someone else?



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    If it was just for me, I'd spend all my time in the studio, but I need to do the farm work that my husband cannot do any more and to take some of the load off the farm manager, so as far as the health/weight/work stuff, I'm doing it for them.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    For myself.

    However, I must admit.. My mother is the reason that I gained MY weight .-.
    Headed back in that direction soon and dreading that it may happen yet again. Just awful.

    Aww, you're still young, you could try to find other reasons to motivate you? Have you any other interests, perhaps?
    Focus on something else you'd want in life, perhaps someone new?

    ^^ Super good advice. I'm sure you can find some other motivation even if it is to improve yourself to find someone new.

    I'm doing this all for me in order to make doing what I love easier and it's worked and I'm loving it. :)
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I blame noone but myself for my weight gain, and I am losing it for noone but myself.

    I want to be the fittest member of my sport team
    I want to wear clothes that show off the body I earned
    I want to run up stairs and not get whinded
    I was to oogle myself in the mirror rather than notice the lumps.

    It's all for me baby, its selfish and perfect.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    If you boil it down, myself. I'm training for a sport but that's more or less for myself too. My DH has gotten on the bandwagon by following my example. My sons have both gotten into sports with my encouragement. My DH likes that I'm in shape, as men are visual creatures, but he'd love me out of shape too. A goal, maybe different from the one you had with your ex, would be VERY helpful! Have you thought of getting into a physical activity you like?
  • honeyjasmine
    I am doing it for myself and my child - I want him to be healthy and I can't preach healthy choices and foods if I'm sitting there overweight and stuffing my face with chocolate for him to see! I also have a family history of diabetes/high cholesterol/all types of cancers so I want to be fit and strong for health reasons too. I think most people do it for themselves or at least partly...we all want to look and feel good in ourselves, right?
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    I am doing this for myself. Now I commit myself to be fit. I will not give myself excuses of why I skip my gym workouts. I will try my best to squeeze in time to do my usual routine 4-5 times a week.

    I don't want to regret in my life that I never try my best to look good and feel sexy. Eventually I did it (still halfway to go) and I feel great, never knew this great feeling. I was obese since young.
  • enks07
    enks07 Posts: 74
    Mostly I'm doing it for myself but I'm also doing it to show the people that have made fun of me or judged me in that past that I'm capable of achieving anything I want.
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    For myself.

    However, I must admit.. My mother is the reason that I gained MY weight .-.
    Headed back in that direction soon and dreading that it may happen yet again. Just awful.

    Aww, you're still young, you could try to find other reasons to motivate you? Have you any other interests, perhaps?
    Focus on something else you'd want in life, perhaps someone new?

    Sorry to point this out but your mother is not the reason you gained weight! did she hold you to knifepoint or gunpoint?

    People who gain weight need to accept responsibility for themselves!

    I wish you all the best in losing weight but you will get nowhere in life if you don't accept responsibility for your own actions.
    Sorry to point this out, but you do not know the situation I was growing up in and I am not about to share it on forums.
    I do not know you and do not wish to share the rest, plain and simple.

    Go on and shoo and do your own thing, I'll do mine. Kthx.

    oh dear you have had a hard life just like MOST - grow up and deal with it. nobody made you gain weight except your self - its the same for most people on here - we all put weight on due to normal life.

    and do not refer to me as a dog you childish person.

    Goodbye and good luck
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I was doing this for my ex, but when we broke up I just gained more weight. I am doing this for my children...goal 1: take my little girl swimming and not feel extremely embarrassed.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I previously lost weight for someone else. I started very heavy, about 300 pounds dropped to 210, things went to hell and I put 35 pounds back on before I smacked myself upside the head, and restared mfp, Im now back down to 219. Initially doing it for that other person worked in a way, it got me started when I was at a point where my self esteem was so bad I never would have done it for myself, its also good it didnt work out because it let me re-evaluate my feelings about myself and now I do it for me. :flowerforyou:
  • malcolmjcooper
    malcolmjcooper Posts: 79 Member
    I blame noone but myself for my weight gain, and I am losing it for noone but myself.

    I want to wear clothes that show off the body I earned
    I want to run up stairs and not get whinded
    I was to oogle myself in the mirror rather than notice the lumps.

    It's all for me baby, its selfish and perfect.
    love it sounds just like me
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Mainly I'm doing this for me. I want to feel comfortable in nice clothes and I want to lose the excess fat that I accumulated through overeating. I want to gain control over myself and be responsible for my health.
    A part is also vanity, I work with teenagers (some of which know me through my son) and I don't want to be seen as the fat woman!
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I'll admit there are a couple guys I want to look good for...not really guys I think it would ever work out with in a dating sense, but I have my crushes and I'd love for them to go "wow Val, you look amazing!" And I've asked myself a couple times if that kind of thinking is healthy. My conclusion is that whatever helps motivate me, I should keep doing. Maybe I have some delusions of grandeur in the back of my mind that help drive me to lose the weight---but so what? If it helps me lose the weight, so be it! Personal drive and motivation doesn't come to me easily, I'll take what I can get. And when I'm done losing the weight I'm sure I'll probably have different crushes at that point. And one thing I'm looking very forward to is knowing that my weight won't be a person's reason for rejecting me. You can reject me over any number of things but darnit my weight won't be one of them any more! Lol. On a serious note, though, keep your head up, love. <3
  • RianneS91
    I blame noone but myself for my weight gain, and I am losing it for noone but myself.

    I want to be the fittest member of my sport team
    I want to wear clothes that show off the body I earned
    I want to run up stairs and not get whinded
    I was to oogle myself in the mirror rather than notice the lumps.

    It's all for me baby, its selfish and perfect.

    oh my god I think this post is amazing, I could not agree more with you. Like you said it's yourself that's allowed you to put on the weight its you that needs to lose it. But having the reasons that you have are the most perfect motivation in my opinion. Good luck losing the weight!!
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    We all have reasons why we start this journey. I agree with OP that doing it for the happiness of another person is not the best route, but you have to also see it from the perspective that you will be healthy and happy.