why did I gain so much so fast

Hello all, I am asking for serious opinions, not to be slated and told impossible...

twice now I have gained 21lbs in 3 weeks, yes I was gaining 1lb a day and no I was not eating 5000 calories a day when it happened...

I have tried to find out without any success why my body chooses to only lose weight under 1000 cals a day and gain if I eat over.

I have been on here for a long while now and have done all the checks, weighing food logging exact calories...

I have questioned my weight loss problems in the past just to be called a special snowflake...

All blood tests come back as normal that involve reasons to gain weight quickly...

I have discovered every few months my body quits with a nutrient, first in was b vitamins, we sorted that, then it was iron and we sorted that, now its vitamin D,

I really do want to understand why if I eat like you are supposed to why I gain weight and how the hell did I gain 21lbs in 3 weeks...

GP will not refer me to hospital to find out what is going on either... I asked and was told NO... but have since found out the NHS has restrictions on patient referrals...

Any reasonable advice on whats going on please, not insults and flat out being told eating too much


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Since you already ruled out any potential medical problems, I think you should start here:

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    To be honest.... I would seek a second opinion.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    and a second scale.
  • Maryanne1923
    Maryanne1923 Posts: 53 Member
    To be honest.... I would seek a second opinion.

    This - can you ask to see a different doctor at your GP surgery?

    Also are you on any medication that could be causing weight gain? I know that quite a few medications list weight gain as a side effect. Some others also can cause water retention as can some medical conditions.

    Sorry you are having this frustrating experience.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    To be honest.... I would seek a second opinion.

    ditto. And get your thyroid checked again. TSH, TPO ab, Free T3, Free T4.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    My first question is what are you weighing yourself on? How are you weighing yourself is it the same time of day etc. It is unlikely that you have actually put on 21 pounds in 3 weeks with out noticeable increase in food intake. SO how did you do your first weigh in and the one 3 weeks later were they at the same time of day on the same scales and are the scales consistent?. That weight gain doesn't come out of thin air so even if you had some metabolic disorder the physical weight has to come from somewhere or something.

    As for your GP if he really though that there was something that needed referring he would. He is under an obligation to do this. If you agree with his decision see another doctor in the practice.

    It would be useful if you opened your diary so we could see if there were obvious logging problems or obvious food groups you are missing
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    If you're really being honest, it has to be medical. Seek another doctor.

    Because if it isn't medical, you're simply eating, on average, 3500 calories over your BMR which you seem to know you are not.
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    21 pounds in 3 weeks is definitely not fat gain, but is likely water retention. I would definitely go get a second opinion, as there are serious medical conditions that can cause that kind of water retention
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Are you going through menopause? I, too, suddenly put on a boatload of weight with no changes in my eating/exercising habits. It was quite startling how quickly the pounds piled on. I got my thyroid checked and other issues, and was basically told that due to the hormonal changes my body had completely altered its metabolism. I've had to make major, MAJOR changes to my diet and have finally after many months started slowly losing. Still have a crazy long way to go, though. I'm sorry that you are you going through this as I know firsthand how frustrating it is to be told that "what you're doing SHOULD be working." *sigh*.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    On your profile you state you are on meds which causes weight gain. So are you still on the meds or have you started new ones?
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    You left out the part about being on meds that cause you to gain.

    There's your answer right there.

    If you're genuinely logging your calories and can't lose the weight you've gained, I would find a doctor who can help you a solution, whether alternative meds or an additional med that will help you shed the weight.

    If the meds are making you eat everything in sight, then you have to find a way to stop doing that.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I agree that you need to get a second opinion, especially since you are on medication.

    !,000 calories is low.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I do not see how that can't be some kind of medical condition. Whether it's menopause, your meds, or some kind of disorder you have - it's definitely a medical problem. If your doctor can't help you, find a new one. Talk to your gyn about hormonal issues. Talk to a nutritionist if you can.

    That's an alarming amount of weight to gain all of a sudden and I don't think MFP can help you.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Menopause does not always cause weight gain. I've been menopausal for several months (confirmed via hormone tests) and I've had no trouble getting the weight off. In fact, I've had a fairly easy time of it and I'm now at a healthy weight. Weight loss was not always linear, but as long as I stayed within my calorie goals the trend was downward.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Another thought: have you looked into food intolerance? A few years ago, I was feeling sick, fatigued, couldn't work out as much, gaining weight, went to the doctor and blood tests confirmed that I was fine. I picked up a book on food intolerance and discovered that my symptoms were the same as those of soy intolerance. I'd started drinking soy because I'm lactose intolerant.

    I cut out soy and, within a short time, my symptoms disappeared. The weight didn't come off right away, but I was able to exercise more and then started logging here at MFP.

    With me, I believe my fatigue from soy intolerance stopped me from working out like I used too, I was eating more than I thought, and therefore I gained weight.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    1-3lbs of fat
    4-10lbs of water weight
    8-15lbs of scale error

    edit you weighed yourself every single day for three weeks?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Can you switch to a different GP?
  • gingersnap303
    To be honest.... I would seek a second opinion.

    ditto. And get your thyroid checked again. TSH, TPO ab, Free T3, Free T4.

    This. Is there a way to get these tests under the NHS? I had a similar experience, I gained a massive amount of weight in the last 3-4 years, a bulk of it being in the last year. For me, it's mainly medical and I'm being treated by medication and a special Dr/RD prescribed diet.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    your GP Is REFUSING to refer you for further assistance??? WTF!!!???? clearly you have a medical problem if your not taking in nutrients as you said....go to the ER or another doctor....NO ONE on here is going to be able to medically clear you....(assuming you know how to weigh food, weigh yourself...etc..)LOL.....Please find another doctor...:flowerforyou:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I second everyone else's opinion. Seek another GP. I would also see a gyno. Some lady problems like fibroids and cysts can do that even when you are symptom free.