Mom asking .... What does everyone eat around here !!???:)

Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
Hi everyone ! Im new here , in need of help as Im very confused on what should I eat ...I've tried so many restrictive diets all my life , but I've been reading in the forums around here for such a long time , and I finally decided to give this a try after learning a lot from ur posts , but i still have a lot to learn!
I got out of my comfort zone uping my calories which consisted of 900-1200 on those disaster diets lol i know its crazy that would always lead me to a 3000 calorie day after a few days :(
Anyways I set it to 1500 now excercizing 4/5 times a week for 30mins at home (as i have litlle ones im a super busy mom and cant do more than that )
I dont know if this will work with so litlle exercizing but as i said im a super busy mom of 5 ! yes 5 :) and i finnaly want to take care of myself , with a busy and sometimes depressing life made me forget myself, confidence not that high , not sure if i will ever look good after so many pregnancies , sometimes it seems impossible ...any tips will be greatly appreciated ! Thank you all !


  • krispy1982
    krispy1982 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey me too! 5 babies 4 kids at home. Don't worry, the kids will get to know 'the drill' and mom's workout time just becomes part of the routine. Take it slow, lady! No matter how thin you get, more loose skin from super fast weight loss isn't pretty. We have enough of it from the babies, right?
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Start with continuing to eat what you have been eating, log it and go from there. You will see areas where the calories are just crazy high and you will see areas where you can cut those calories. Then start portion control, using a scale really comes into play at this point. Listen to your body and then you might be able to see and feel the importance of what you are eating and how eating a balanced diet will not only be easier to address it will be something you will enjoy.

    30 minutes of exercise is fine, you said you are busy, busy can burns calories!
  • msdoty7
    msdoty7 Posts: 10 Member
    Check out this website. I lost 6 lbs on 6 days.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I lost weight by eating what I always ate, just in smaller portions. Gradually I moved over to better-for-me foods. For me, not depriving myself of my favorite foods is what led to success this time--that and not severely restricting my calories.
  • Lara883
    Lara883 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank u all for the info !
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I did portion control also. It's easy with kids! I give them what they need and I measure mine out. Both my boys followed me into the sport I am staying in shape for. (Kinda the opposite of most folks!) They will leave my house with good habits :smile: . The only thing I cut out of my, and my yougest son's diet is gluten, as we both have celiac sprue. I grow veggies, fruits and herbs and because of my gluten issues, do almost all of my own baking. I do indulge in ice cream and candy in moderation. I have a rule of thumb for dieting: Don't do anything to yourself that would freak you out seeing a teenage girl do! This includes crazy fad diets!