
GC527 Posts: 272 Member
I am trying to lose over 100 pounds. I know a lot of you on here have already succeeded with this and I'd love and appreciate any advice you guys can give me! I know it won't come off over night and I don't expect it to. I don't have a specific goal 'weight' in mind, though I know it will definitely be after the 100 pounds lost, maybe even 150.


  • elusive_design
    elusive_design Posts: 1,095 Member
    My best advice... It's going to be hard. There are going to be times you want to give up because your not seeing the results you want and there are times in exercise where you are going to overdo it and be exhausted for days afterwards. Stick with it. Plateaus can end in a sudden woosh that makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Don't run yourself skinny, don't starve yourself skinny.. Lift heavy things. As heavy as you can as often as your body will allow, do cardio to activate the muscle you are building and for the love of all that is.. If you have a question about how to lift safely talk to a trainer at a real gym (not PF). If you have insurance or can afford it without, make an appointment with a dietician (not a nutritionist) to go over your goals and come up with a real time solution.
  • Onedayslimmfp
    Onedayslimmfp Posts: 23 Member
    Set yourself small goals, nothing too ambitious but achievable, say to start with 1lb a week. You may lose more to start with, but for me that was a big bonus to lose more than my monthly target but that's what makes me tick!

    Move more, just a small walk to start with, you can then increase pace or distance or both. If you find something you enjoy you'll find you stick to that rather than forcing yourself to do something you don't like.

    Log everything, you may be suprised that you will start to read labels more and take more notice of calories between brands, yogurts and bread spring to mind.

    I like to log for the day as much as I can so that I know what I have left for snacks should I feel that I need one, which brings me on to my next point.....

    I love chocolate and have some every night, I don't deprive myself from what I like. This is one of the first things I log every morning. On the odd occasion I don't want it, its calories I can use later in the week should I need it.

    Treat yourself for every 7lbs you lose, (not food though) a new shower/bath gel, nail varnish, a book. It doesn't need to be an expensive treat, but something that's rewarding.

    You can do it!
  • ladyannora
    Hi! I don't really have any advice, I just wanted to let you know I am in the exact same boat as you. I need to loose at least a hundred. Should really be around 125 or maybe even more! I have struggled for years with my weight. :wink:
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi there! Check out this thread, it gives really good advice and the basics. Good luck on your journey!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi GC I'm new too, and slowly finding my way. My advice is to weigh and record everything you eat - I've found it very eye-opening and secondly, try out lots of different exercises, I'm addicted to YouTube at the moment for this reason.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    I set myself the goal to lose 10% of my bodyweight. When I met that, then 10% again. I figured I would have to meet my goal 6 times and then the 7th time a bit less than 10% to meet my goal. I also had the add'l goal of reaching 100# added in there. I have met my 4th goal plus the added goal thusfar. It's much easier to look at smaller goals at a time, and it gives you less to lose to look forward to and to master. I know it was a "head" thing, but it worked for me. Good luck, and hope you find whatever it is that will help you stick to it and before you know it, you'll be there. AND .... DO start your strength and toning NOW. My doctor told me to start right away, and, of course, I didn't. I just started a month and a half ago, which is 8 months after starting my journey and I am SOOO very much kicking myself for waiting. I wish I had listened, but you know what they say ... wish in one hand and crap in the other & see which one fills up first :) again, good luck.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hi there! Check out this thread, it gives really good advice and the basics. Good luck on your journey!


    Don't make it harder than it has to be. With over 100 lbs to lose all you have to do for the weight to melt off is cut back your calories a little and walk around some more.

    Get your diary under control. Learn to LOG EVERYTHING honestly, even if you go over your calories..expect that you WILL go over your calories when you are just starting out. it's normal.. Just focus on baby steps to improve something every day.

    And for the love of everything dear in this world..stay OFF the scale for as long as you possibly can, unless you are capable of being completely dispassionate about the number you see.. Most people can't. Weight fluctuations are NORMAL, it is impossible to gain a pound "Overnight" unless you eat about 5000 calories, most of the time it's salt or water.

    Read as much as you can around here and look to those who have been successful for answers to questions that you can't find answers to.

    You can do it ;) Best of Luck!
  • Lilenatalem
    Lilenatalem Posts: 46 Member
    My only advice, and I know it's already been mentioned. Small goals. I too and working towards the big 100, but right now I am just working at 25 at a time. =D
  • 8lackie
    8lackie Posts: 39 Member
    A silly saying is all too true. "It's a cinch by the inch, it's hard by the yard".
    However difficult as it may be, you will see results if you exercise and count calories.
    There is great satisfaction in the first couple of pounds, because it does confirm you can do it.
  • laura_lejeune8
    'You didn't gain the weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight'
    Losing weight is even more annoying than growing out a dumb hair cut, it takes time but will be well worth it in the end. Me and my sister have just started jogging together and it's so much easier to have a fitness/diet buddy. Consider pairing up with someone. :)
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    Hi, this is the best advice I can really give you. It is all about consistency, and having the will to do this. If you want to lose 150 lbs. as bad as you want to breath, you will lose 150 with no problem. I will be honest, and I hope I don't scare you or discourage you, but you have one of the most difficult journeys because that is a lot to lose. I've had only two 100+ pound losers, and they are still working on their goals, and doing very well. I am going to tell you what I told them. You have probably the hardest journey of anyone who needs to lose weight, but you are going to have a much better success story. Here is your opportunity to change your life, and to change the world around you. You have a bright future ahead of you, and it will be something very special. One day, you will reach your goal, and you will look back and say "I did it. It was a challenge, but I finally did it." You have to be hungry. You have to really want it, and I mean really want it. Think about it when you want to sleep in. Think about it when you crave a certain food of comfort. Think about it when you are in the gym, and you're thinking about skipping an extra set. This should really be the fuel to your fire. How hungry are you? How bad do you want it? This is your life, and this is your success story. If you can stay hungry, and if you can stay consistent, I promise...I will reach your goal. I know you can do it. You can. Now the rest is up to you. I'll go ahead and add you, and I will be here in case you need any advice. :)
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I set myself the goal to lose 10% of my bodyweight. When I met that, then 10% again. I figured I would have to meet my goal 6 times and then the 7th time a bit less than 10% to meet my goal.

    What a great idea! I have been looking forward to losing 10% of my starting weight, and I'm very close, but never thought about doing it over and over as the 10% becomes a smaller number.
  • gillian211179
    Only thing you need to remember is to stay strong!!! Sounds cheesy but it is what I tell myself, even on days like today where I have eaten my body weight in chocolate!

    You have made the decision to make a change, that in itself shows strength. With every milestone, new day, new run or workout you will gain physical and emotional power. Just keep focused and before you even realise it, 100lbs will have disappeared.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    Thank all of you for your advice and support!
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    My best advice is to not be in a hurry. I intend to lose about 130lbs. It has taken me one year to lose a little over 40. I am in this for the long haul. I don't deprive myself of my favorite foods and I exercise at least 5 days a week. My real goal is to learn to be responsible for myself. I have learned what proper portion sizes are and try to stick to them. I hope you can find what works for you!!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Try this. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png Eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit. The sexypants link is included again, for emphasis.

    Adopt-a-Noob is an awesome program. Read the first post in the thread. If you think it's a good idea for you, Read through the entire thread. All 9 pages. Select some mentors that you think might be a good fit for you, and message them. Don't post in the thread, that's not how it works. You might find some of the mentors who have posted on the last couple pages are more likely available. But, it's a good idea to read through the entire thread, anyways.
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    You've gotten great advice. All I can repeat is to realize it's not going to happen overnight...if you stay committed you can do it. Push yourself even when you don't want to. Best of luck!!
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Hi, this is the best advice I can really give you. It is all about consistency, and having the will to do this. If you want to lose 150 lbs. as bad as you want to breath, you will lose 150 with no problem. I will be honest, and I hope I don't scare you or discourage you, but you have one of the most difficult journeys because that is a lot to lose. I've had only two 100+ pound losers, and they are still working on their goals, and doing very well. I am going to tell you what I told them. You have probably the hardest journey of anyone who needs to lose weight, but you are going to have a much better success story. Here is your opportunity to change your life, and to change the world around you. You have a bright future ahead of you, and it will be something very special. One day, you will reach your goal, and you will look back and say "I did it. It was a challenge, but I finally did it." You have to be hungry. You have to really want it, and I mean really want it. Think about it when you want to sleep in. Think about it when you crave a certain food of comfort. Think about it when you are in the gym, and you're thinking about skipping an extra set. This should really be the fuel to your fire. How hungry are you? How bad do you want it? This is your life, and this is your success story. If you can stay hungry, and if you can stay consistent, I promise...I will reach your goal. I know you can do it. You can. Now the rest is up to you. I'll go ahead and add you, and I will be here in case you need any advice. :)

    Thanks for this. I have well over 100 to loose and this helps, truly.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Try this. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png Eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit. The sexypants link is included again, for emphasis.

    Adopt-a-Noob is an awesome program. Read the first post in the thread. If you think it's a good idea for you, Read through the entire thread. All 9 pages. Select some mentors that you think might be a good fit for you, and message them. Don't post in the thread, that's not how it works. You might find some of the mentors who have posted on the last couple pages are more likely available. But, it's a good idea to read through the entire thread, anyways.

    All of this!

    Don't try to be perfect go for consistent, try to make good choices 80% of the time and don't worry too much about the other 20%.

    Get a food scale, it helps with learning proper portions and aids in your accuracy when logging.

    Take pictures and measurements, will help lots when you are questioning if this is working.

    Every day try to be better than you were yesterday.

    Remember you don't have to be miserable to lose weight, you just have to be patient and YOU CAN DO IT!