
I have started tracking protein, and I have been doing a nutrition course which says to have an amount of protein each meal, but I end up going over my allowance, are any meats etc that are lower in protein? how much does it matter if I go over my allowance?


  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    My thing is you can really go either way with proteins. It really depends on what your source of protein is. You don't want to eat too much protein because you will have problems. You want to hover around your protein range. It won't hurt if you go over by a little bit, but, again, you don't want to consume too much. As for meats that are lower in protein, you cannot go wrong with lean meats. Also, it depends on how your body is breaking down the proteins as well. There are things for that. I use this thing called Aminogen, and I take it every time I eat any protein meal. If I ever go over my protein range, the Aminogen does its job and breaks down even the toughest proteins, such as a well-done steak, which is what I enjoy!
  • melharper1976
    melharper1976 Posts: 17 Member
    most of my protein comes from chicken and eggs, I went over by 29 today i think. thats from 2 eggs and 126g of chicken breast!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I went over by 29 today
    Nothing to worry about. If you go over by 300g you'll need to adjust your diet.
  • melharper1976
    melharper1976 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks all.
  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    I've never like the mfp macro % guidelines. Play with your macros to find what works for you. For example, I keep mine at 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I'm increasing my protein, and use my macros as minimums for proteins and fats. As a result, I'm eating less carbs (NOT low carb, still getting 250-300g) and am able to meet the other 2 macros and stay under calorie goal. It works if you just juggle things around a bit. Egg whites are a very low cal high protein food. I use one whole egg and several egg whites. Can't comment on meat because I don't eat much of it. Greek yogurt, quinoa, bean, lentils, nuts, seeds, and protein powder added to smoothies, yogurt, pancakes, homemade protein bars etc are my staples. I get 150g per day no problem and can stay under my 2185 cal goal.