Beginners Work Routine

Hey :) so...I haven't worked out in God knows how long...and I was wondering what you guys would recommend for someone just starting to work out again. My work outs seem clumsy and disorganized....and i want my time in the gym to count. Thanks!!!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Making your diary publicly visable would definitely help others help you to adapt your routine and make it work better for you.

    My advice going from the very limited knowledge of your situation that I have is as follows-

    Try to do light to moderate Cardio on a daily basis, if you can manage an hour or more walking at 3mph that would be a great starting point.
    After Cardio doing low reps of machines such as ab crunch will help your body retain muscle whilst you are burning fat.

    All the best.

    Feel free to add me as a friend should you like to.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    For me in the begining, it was dificult to just walk around the block without being winded. I read alot. WebMD has some really good begining workouts and ideas, along with simple diet changes that don't turn your whole world upside down.

    Things I like to read:

    Eat this not that
    Strength training anatomy by Frederic Delavier

    I needed to learn how my body works so that I didn't hurt myself in the gym. No sence working like a maniac only to get injured and have to start over from square one.