Question how many days to workout

I am new. I have a class at my school called fitness for life (F.F.L ). We have classroom days 2 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays are workout days. I just started the class the last week of march. We can use the weight room, Cardio room, track, and machine/ stretching room on workout days. The term before that I had a pure weight training class. I didn't like that one much. I just entered my food and exercise for the day and I was way over. I usually eat more when I am in school. I also do more workouts/ exercise with my horse. Should I be doing more exercise during the week for more time? Right now I do it 3 days a week for class at 70 minutes. And every day I go see my horse and lunge him. I only ride him on the weekends though. I don't know what to do. Please answer and give me pointers please.


  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I work out cardio (Martial Arts) for 3 days a week and weight lift for 2 days a week. It depends on your schedule. I recommend cardio, strength, and flexibility 5 days a week.
  • hferrel19
    hferrel19 Posts: 13
    ok thank you. do you recommended any thing specific that can bring down calorie counts faster than others?:smile:
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Cardio, in any form, burns calories off pretty much while you're doing it. Strength training builds muscle that burns calories all the time. IMHO you should pick a cardio you like. If you like it you are more likely to stick with it and give it more effort.

    A lot of women find success with their favorite dance style. I do competitive kick boxing. There is also tennis, soccer and other fast moving sports.

    Weight lifting (heavy or light) is weight lifting. Nearly all women need to work on upper body strength. You can do it in a gym or at home. Good luck!
  • hferrel19
    hferrel19 Posts: 13
    One more question. I have been eating less that what I usally do and im still going over my cloric amount. But i am exercising a lot. should I be worried about this? check out my page for intake and other stuff. please help if you can. thanks:)